Evil Peeps!


Someone save me from myself! I've eaten 3 boxes of those evil Easter peeps! Thank god my stomach hurts now!
I saw that Walgreens had the individual boxes so I skipped that multi-pack at Target because if I only get one box per kid (I have three) I can enjoy a few peeps (I like 'em stale) without going bonkers over the delicious little guys! I hope! My kids aren't all that keen on Peeps!

Bobbi http://www.plaudersmilies.de/chicken.gif Chick's Rule!
Not a peep lover but...

I can't stay away from the chocolate and jellybeans. I bought Easter candy waaaay too early this year and have been nibbling on it constantly which amounts to a LOT of Easter candy. Ugh!!
At least you know that most of us aren't exactly banning sugar! I told myself that I wouldn't have any chocolate this week till Easter, but I just had a Snickers bar (it was for a fundraiser, so I HAD too get it:))

I ate so many jelly beans over the weekend, that I think they're gross now. I just feel my teeth rotting from them. Peeps are like that too- I'm sure you'll be sick of them soon.

Just tell yourself you'll put in an extra workout so you don't feel guilty - besides, Easter (and Passover) are only once a year!
For laughs, put a peep in the microwave for one minute and watch it mutate into KING KONG PEEP! They taste really good afterward like a roasted marshmallow.

This year, I am going peep-free.
You guys out there are so great.

I have been sitting here reading this thread and laughing out loud all the while. We all take exercise and nutrition so seriously because it is important to us but every once in awhile it is good to come here and chuckle. (Oops, is that a candy?)

Are Peeps those little yellow chicken things or something else? I guess I am Peep-ignorant.

All of you are so incredible.


People who know me know I love peeps so much that they even send them to me in the MAIL!! I am incorrigible when it comes to peeps--lavender ones, especially, :9 It's awful!! :-wow
RE: Help!!

Along that same line, if any of you are near a Whole Foods, go in and try a bag of their chocolate marshmallows. They're homemade. They're not chocolate covered. They're actually like cocoa flavored marshmallows. So delicious. If I get nasty and buy a bag, it's gone in 10 minutes, and that's about 12 marshmallows. Oops.

And speaking of Easter, does anyone remember Gold Brick eggs? I used to love those.
RE: Help!!

We had a huge basket full of peeps at work yesterday. A bunch of us are going to Weight Watchers & were desparate to eat a few peeps. One of the WW ladies figured out you can have 5 peeps for only 3 points!

How dare you call those cute, squishy guys "evil"!! Hrumph!! LOL Seriously...they are delicious, and soooooo baaaaaaad!! }>


Have you all noticed that there is always a "candy-eating" holiday approaching to sabatoge our healthy eating lifestyles??? Seems like I'm still working off the Christmas candy and the Valentine chocolates and now, I have Peeps to fight off! It's hard!!!!!!

All our Easter candy is still hidden in the garage. I am scared though, thinking about jelly beans, how I love them! Robin's eggs, how I adore them! My kids can take or leave the candy. It calls to me! I'm here. Come eat me! I can't wait to microwave a Peep though!

Bobbi http://www.plaudersmilies.de/chicken.gif Chick's Rule!

Re: stale peeps

On the radio today they were having a big discussion about how stale peeps should be before you eat them, that they need at least a year to get really good. Someone called into the station to say her mother has been saving them for years, has one she is finally going to eat from, I think it was 1957!

1957??????? :-wow That's 10 years older than ME!!!!! No thanks....give me fresh, soft little Peeps!!!! Yummmmm!!!!
Yup, Peeps are those little yellow "chicks"- but now they come in all spring colors and shapes. You either love them or hate them! Some people think they're so gross (I guess they are if you really think about it!)
Peeps totally rock... but you guys know what I love more?

Cadbury cream eggs

oh man I can eat tons of those sticky sweet gooey little eggs :)

Happy easter everyone...!

Thank goodness. I saw whole load of them at Walmart and I just passed right by them. I bought some last year and even with whole family we couldn't finish them and ended up in the trash can. This year I decided to bring all extra chocolates to work and they were gone in matter of seconds. I still have some easter chocolates from last year. Maybe I can convince my co-workers that stale chocolates taste better than the peeps!

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