Ms Fitness America


I watched the Ms Fitness America (I think that was the name) competition on ESPN, held in Las Vegas. The women were incredible, I was amazed at their strength and flexibility. I have been keeping my eye out for information on their training but haven't found anything. Anyway know what type of work goes into those bodies?
Miss Aimee a/k/a competion bound a/k/a aimeefit can tell you all about it. I don't think I could take it! Maybe if that's all I had to focus on, but even then!
I am also in absolute awe of these women! It takes a lot of gym time, routine practicing, STRICT dieting, etc. I would love to think that I could do it one day, but I know better! I would just like to have a body like they have if only for one summer! I am trying to achieve that this year but I tend to cheat too much when I am around my husband which prevents me from reaching that goal. My willpower is not the greatest. :( But I plug on...
Hi Mars,

The magazine "Muscle and Fitness" is geared to those who compete and to those who would like to look that way. It's pretty intense how these folks workout. Their diets are really strict. In this magazine they interview those who are competing so you'll get the whole picture. It's an eye opener!

I don't know if Ms. Fitness America has very, very muscular women in it, or it's more of a muscular yet feminine look. But from reading "M & F Hers" and "Oxygen" you can see that those women treat training like a job. They really workout hard. Plus, their diets are *very* strict- especially before shows. They eat lots of protein and take different supplements (a lot of them are promoting the supplements too).

When I read about what they do, I think that maybe I could do their workouts if I had no job- and the motivation. But they don't eat any sweets or junk. They may treat themself to, say, frozen yogurt on occasion off-season, which makes me laugh because I think of fr. yogurt as being somewhat healthy since I could be eating full-fat ice cream! Now I know why they look like that and I don't! (Of course, most of us aren't in competitions, so that's ok!)
Just for fun, I tried to get myself "ripped" looking by following the diet they use for those competitions for a few weeks. It worked but I don't think anyone can stay on it for more than a short time. It's high protein, really low carb (all LOW on the glycemic index). Very plain food, very tough.
I really could see being able to do this once I started really feeling ripped and strong.

You know how it is when you are trying to lose weight and one day you step on the scale and you have lost 5 pounds. You know how motivated you are?? Well, if I got into really good shape, like they are in, I could see never turning back. It would be the very start that would be hard. I can't imagine the psychological stress they must have though, with everything that goes into their mouths, how much exercise they do, and that kind of thing. And we all thought WE worried about these things alot!!!!

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