Rude customer service ....


I was calling to place a order for the cross train DVD and the customer service person was very rude. She said are you calling to place a orer I said yes but i have a quick question. All I did was ask about how long before I would receive the tape she said I have no idea I'm assuming 10 days but she was very rude like she had not time for this normal....needless to say I did not get to place my order, she sounded like she was to busy to take it....

Yikes I want the CTX DVD!!!!!!

Maybe I should just oreder it online.

Is this normal for the customer service to be rude or maybe I just got a bad one.

This is very not normal for Cathe's company. I'm glad you complained.
I have oredered cathe vidoes before and never had a problem. She caught me so off guard......She was very rud in the tone in I decided not to place my order with her.

I do not want to call and get the same I guess I will place a order later.

I ordered online my first time and had no problems, but the second time I ordered online - my quantity discount wasn't showing up and I was being charged s&h when ordering six or seven videos. So, I called and got a very nice sales person. I plan on ordering the last five to complete my set of Cathe videos soon (like maybe tonight!!!). I sure hope I don't get the same person as you. I'll refuse to order and come here and complain too!
Hope you get your videos soon.
I was without the internet for awhile and ordered on the phone. I thought I had my credit card in my hand when the person from SNM asked for the #, I looked and in my hnd was my library card! I said, "Oh I have to go fet my credit card, can you hold?" "Sure," she pleasantly responded. I was probably gone 4 or 5 minutes, a long time if you are waiting on the phone, but she was nothing but nice when I got back on the line (apologizing ammensly!) I am sorry for your experience. That is so out of the norm for Cathe's company!
Here's something that always works for me when I am being treated poorly. Ask, very sweetly, for the person's name! I just say "I'm sorry, what is your name?" That always works.
Yep...should have got her I said oreder in the past but never had a problem. Maybe she was just having a moment....

Oh well I'm over it....Nothing will stop me from order more Cathe Videos...ordering CTX hopefully tomorrow.

Yep...should have got her I said oreder in the past but never had a problem. Maybe she was just having a moment....

Oh well I'm over it....Nothing will stop me from order more Cathe Videos...ordering CTX hopefully tomorrow.

I ordered online and had no problems. And the order arrived very fast (it's coming from NJ, and I live in PA, so that's why). I like that you can track the order too.

Soory to hear about your bad experience. It's so annoying- you're paying a lot for these tapes/dvd's- why can't they appreciate you and just be nice- it's their job!!!

I always order online and it is 100% hassle and horrid-person free! Never had any trouble with it.

I like the idea of asking the person's name. Asking to speak to their manager would be my follow up question and then sit back and watch the **** fly...

You've got to get these things off your chest!!!


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