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  1. H

    I love, love, love Low Impact Series!

    Love Low Impact Series Ditto Hopeful. I haven't been on these forums for almost 6 years. Just started doing Cathe's workouts again after a 6 year hiatus. I'm so glad she made this series. It's perfect for me. My favorite so far is the Athletic Training. Looking forward to the Xtrain series...
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    What a bummer! I'll be in Vegas that week! We booked our trip about two months ago! I was really looking forward to this. Hopefully Cathe will have another one! Enjoy!:-)
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    Treadmill Stuck on Incline

    Ditto w/mine! I too put the step underneath.
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    How often do You have to eat?

    Hey Danna, I agree w/the other posters. However, you have to eat the appox. amount of calories for the next couple of hours activities. For example, if you plan to workout after eating a meal, plan your calories accordingly. Also, you may not be getting enough protein and/or good fats in...
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    For those of you that do spinning

    I love spinning! I crosstrain with it about twice a week. It's doing wonders for my quads, hamstrings and calves not to mention it's a great cardio workout. And don't forget to drink your water! Keep hydrated -- you're going to need it!x(
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    A Very Sad Day!

    Cathe, I'm so sorry for your loss. -Heidi
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    Hardcore Presale starts Now!

    I just ordered the 11 pack as well. Can't wait for this one!
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    Dog question, please help

    Amysue, I'm gonna play devil's advocate here and have to agree w/Rhannion. Your dog's health is already being put to the test with his immune system battling they Lyme disease. Although it may be tempting to get a puppy, I would wait until your dog recovers before introducing the new dog...
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    I made it through my breast biopsy!

    I received my biopsy results and they were negative for cancer!!! Yipee. What a relief!!! Thanks for everyone for their kind words and support. Heidi:)
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    I've just been diagnosed with colon cancer

    Joyce, My prayers and thoughts are with you. Heidi
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    I made it through my breast biopsy!

    I just wanted to say how much I appreciate everyone's kind words. Cathe's forum is not only a great source of information, but also one of supportive, caring people. Thanks again Heidi:)
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    I made it through my breast biopsy!

    This morning I had to go for a biopsy and I was sooo frightened. I have a huge phobia about needles. The procedure took about 45min. This morning I did the step/weight circut from SJ&Pand step blast. I'm glad I did b/c the surgeon sd no upper body exercise for 5 days to 1 week :(. I'm...
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    We're Filming Again!

    Hi Cathe, I can't wait for this series!!! You rock! Heidi
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    Hey everyone, I preordered High Step Advanced and the Body Fusion DVD's. I've done High Step 3 times already and did Body Fusion/Basic Step twice. If you use an 8-inch step in BF and use power moves rather than the lower version, your heartrate will be up there! You also need to heavy-up...
  15. H

    My child got bit by a dog!!!!

    Lori, I agree w/everyone else. Take your daughter to the doctor just so he can take a look. Unfortunately, I feel 90% of all dog bite incidents are preventable by the owners. Most agression and behavioral problems are caused by people who unwitingly encourage this type of behavior thru...
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    Needle Biopsy

    Lori, Although I'm sorry for the diagnosis, I'm glad that your MIL won't need to go through the rigors of radiation or chemo. They do say that 80% of all breast lumps are beneign. Good luck to you and your family.:-)
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    Needle Biopsy

    Thanks mcC, The surgeon is doing this procedure in his office. But he is not giving me a sedative, he told me that's up to my general practitioner. He will, of course, numb the area, but I have a huge phobia regarding needles. The surgeon feels my mass is not malignant but says just to be...
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    Needle Biopsy

    Hi everyone, I was just wondering has anyone ever had this procedure performed and if so was it in a hospital or doctor's office and was it painful. Thanks:)
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    O/T been really sick:(

    Barbara, Hope you feel better soon! Take care of yourself and ease back into your exercise routine SLOWLY. Take care;)
  20. H

    Totally Off Topic

    Thanks everyone for your kind words! That's what I love about Cathe's website. Not only do you get to exchange workout/nutrition tips, but you also get to speak with kind and concerned people about every day topics! I usually workout twice a day, but this week I'll only workout once a...