Treadmill Stuck on Incline

I had the exact problem, after only having my Proform a year. The store where my husband bought it was going out of business, so there was not a warranty with it. UGH! The rest of the treadmill worked fine, so when I wanted to use it, I put my step under it to make it much less of an incline. Used it like this for 6 years. I would still be fine with using it that way, except my husband bought me a new treadmill last year. Mindi
Mine is just the opposite. It is stuck in the flat position and I can't get it to incline. I don't want to spend a lot of money to get it fixed and I am not inclined to buy another one after having this one have problems after only a little over a year. Mine is a ProForm too..surprise surprise.
>I had the exact problem, after only having my Proform a year.
> The store where my husband bought it was going out of
>business, so there was not a warranty with it. UGH! The rest
>of the treadmill worked fine, so when I wanted to use it, I
>put my step under it to make it much less of an incline. Used
>it like this for 6 years. I would still be fine with using it
>that way, except my husband bought me a new treadmill last
>year. Mindi

Hi Mindi,

I am not following you, put your step under where?



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