Hardcore Presale starts Now!

When I tried the link it didn't work, even when I refreshed my page. I took the b out after the word Launch and it worked in case anyone else has a problem, maybe this will help.

WOO Hoo!
I had been checking alot for this and I'm happy to say I ordered the entire shabang. I am looking soooo forward to this series. Got my invoice printed up and I'm so ready. :)
This is so exciting!! I am so looking forward to these workouts!! I ordered the whole package also. But, I need to think of a way to prepare my DH for yet another BIG charge for workout dvd's. YIKES! Any suggestions??

Linda :)
Just ordered--all 10 + hardcore extreme (and Step Blast/SPJ, because I won't be able to order anything else for a looong time and I needed something new to hold me over) Can anyone say Credit Max?}(

I tried to post earlier but my husband interupted me. Considering the fact that he insisted on treating me to this new series, I gave him my undivided attention. Woopie! I got all 11 of them.

To Cathe/SNM: I'm soooooo glad that you decided on the Hardcore series and I think the package is a great deal . Now if you are reading this, get to bed so you can get up refreshed and ready to work ;-) .
SNM- Being Canadian, I would like to pre-order from CKsales. My question is about the bands. Will Cksales be giving a free band with each 10 pack sold? If not, will Cksales be selling the bands? Or will I be able to pre-order the bands from this site? Thank-you for your response, Helen
I emailed CK sales about the resistance band, their answer:

Not sure yet, waiting to hear back from Cathe’s office if we can buy it from them. Will post as soon as we know.
I'm so excited - I finally ordered from a pre-sale on the very first day available!! Please hurry up film them and them out to us ASAP

I ordered the whole shabang too! The package was such a good deal. I also took advantage of the free shipping ...I had been eyeing some of Cathe's older videos and so I snagged them.Woohoo!}(
Thanks for the reply Heleen. I've just emailed them as well. I don't mind paying extra for the bands, I just want to know that we can purchase them. Helen

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