Hardcore Presale starts Now!

I am a girl of spain. I want to try the videos of cathe because I have seen the video-clips and I love the hardness of the weight training and this wonderfull cardio. I would like to buy the kickboxing video, the new high step circuit, kick, punch and crunch and cardio kicks . I love the music of the videos too. I can not buy the videos in my country. ¿How can I buy this videos ? I have a DVD in PAL format . ¿I need a DVD with NTSC ? Please help me . :)
All of our videos are in NTSC, so you will need a VCR that can play American Videos. The good news is your DVD player should have no trouble playing our DVDs.:)
Cathe thank you . You are wonderfull.I never tought you will answer too me because you must be very busy with all the awesome work that you do and your personal life. Cathe you inspire to me.If I can use the DVD in my PAL DVD I will buy lot of them .¿How can I pay the price ?. ¿Can I use my credit card? .Cathe I want to tell you something: In the article about your second postpartum experience you say you have not the body that you had before. Cathe you are beautifull. I would like to have your body . Because of you and the firm I am a new woman, strong and feminine. Now I like to show my muscles after my weight loss.Now after my hard weight loss I am proud of me.Now I love me and I know I can do all I want. Thank you Cathe. You have a wonderfull people in these message boards and I want to be one of them . :) :) :)
I forgot it . ¿can I use the dvd with a television of spain . Can I see the dvd with this?. Thank you and excuse me because my english is not too much good.
US DVD's will not play on European DVD players

That's right. You need to have what is known as a "Code Free" DVD players because DVDs are programmed differently according to the region of the world: the US DVDs are code 1, Europe is code 2. The good news is that Code Free DVD players are very inexpensive. I am British living in the US and wanted to get British movies etc. and I bought one for around $150 and it works great. You can get them as cheap as $99 some places. Here is a link to one of many dealers. Good luck.

When is going to finish the presale of the hardcore?. I am so excited. I have preordered kickmax and I want to have it now. I can not wait. What do you think knowing the last presales?. Thank you.
I just pre-ordered all of them!! I also ordered the most recent three high step training ones. Guess I'd better go buy that DVD player!! LOL!!

I know!! I'm so excited!! I can't wait to get them all!! This is the first time I've pre-ordered, and it'll be my first time with workouts on DVD! I feel like I've finally entered the 21st century - LOL!! I just got home from buying a Magnavox DVD player for only $49.00! I hope it'll be all right. My daughter is watching LOTR on it right now. On our player downstairs, we can barely see the layer changes, so I asked her to watch and see what this one does when they happen. She's watched the movie so many times (it's the third one - Return of the King) that she knows exactly where they occur. I know that is the place on Cathe's DVD's where people seem to be having the most problems, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed! It was such a good deal I would hate to have to take it back. It's kind of funny, but when I was asking the kid at Best Buy about layer changes and chaptering and things like that, and asking him if he knew of any brands that were known to work better with these things than others, he didn't seem to know what I was talking about! I'm glad we have Chris here to teach us about all these techno things!!

I almost missed this! I never received an e-mail regarding the presale but I happened to check vidoefitness last night - I've taken the last few weeks off from exercising as I have had no energy (gained 14 pounds and all in my stomach 3" and 1" in my waist). Every test is coming back normal so I'm at a lost. Figured my body must have needed a break if I can't even summon the energy to workout. I did High Step Circuit tonight though - I absolutely LOVE that tape.
How long is the presale?

The reason I ask is that my husband is still out of work and our finances are really tight. So need to know how long the presale will last and perhaps I can work some overtime to cover the cost. Thanks!

Yeah! Now for the hard part -- THE WAIT! I am so excited! It's like Christmas in July!

The workouts sound fantastic -- but if the name Cathe Friedrich is there, I KNOW I will get the most bang for my buck!

RE: How long is the presale?


I have always noticed that Cathe and SNM announce when the presale is about to end and give at least a week's notice. Keep checking the Home Page and forums for updates. This is the first time I've pre-ordered an entire series. I've never been dissappointed with a Cathe purchase. I've only had regrets that I didn't get the presale price!

I am proud to proclaim that being a cautious consumer, Cathe videos are the ONLY purchase I will pre-order without seeing the merchandise ahead of time! I know from experience that I will receive the highest quality, most effective workouts available. My other video workout collections are collecting dust as I find myself constantly reaching for Cathe workouts. Cathe's workouts are THE BEST!!!

Looking forward to another outstanding workout series,
Chris in IL :) :D :7
Thanks Diane

Thanks Diane, I'll keep checking back. I have almost all of Cathe's workouts and I agree that I've never been disappointed in my purchase and have always preordered. My problem right now is being able to afford it with my husband out of a job for over a year now.

Dear Cathe,
I am so excited, I just preordered all the DVD's and Hardcore Extreme. I am not able to workout probably until October because I just had major abdominal surgery and developed a wound infection, but I am sure that when I can restart I will have this to motivate me to get back to where I was. My DH let me pre-order even though I am out of work and will be out for a while, because he knows how much I enjoy your workouts. Thanks.
Well, knowing that the price will increase after July 31st, I just placed my order today for the entire set!

Also looking forward to more workouts from Cathe, with great upbeat music, and new choreography! Pretty sure I will like them, but hope I'm ready for "Hardcore!"


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