I made it through my breast biopsy!


This morning I had to go for a biopsy and I was sooo frightened. I have a huge phobia about needles.

The procedure took about 45min. This morning I did the step/weight circut from SJ&Pand step blast. I'm glad I did b/c the surgeon sd no upper body exercise for 5 days to 1 week :(.

I'm going to see how I feel in a couple of days, and I MAY resume upper body with light weights. The Dr. sd I can still do cardio and lower body weight work (but no Kickboxing b/c it involves punching, etc.

They told me the results of the biopsy should be in my late tomorrow or Thursday.

Boy, am I glad that's behind me:7
I sure hope everything turns out okay! I am glad you have the biopsy behind you now! I have a phobia about any type of medical procedure :eek:

Be sure to ease back into the upperbody work like the doc ordered!

Again, I hope everything turns out okay! Keep us posted!

Hey Heidi: I'm reading your post and smiling with wonder and amazement at the commitment to fitness I see over and over again on these boards. We are a tenacious lot!! Whatever life throws at us many of us think 'okay, I can deal with that but when can I get back to my workouts'. It's much more than fitness, it is so many things including coping and healing (I don't mean to sound smarmey:)) and I think it is truely awsome.
I'll be thinking of you and praying for the best possible outcome!!

Take Care
Heidi~I am so glad it's behind you. I fret tons when I have to have anything done, even the dentist! I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers these next couple days. Keep us posted.
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
It's good to get that kind of procedure behind you. BREATHE!!!!!

You did good, you held it together, you are one tough lady!

Now, do as the Dr, ordered and stay away from the upper body training, really! Remember: your body is a temple, treat it with great reverence.......

(sounds good, huh?!!!)

Clare ;-)
I just wanted to say how much I appreciate everyone's kind words.

Cathe's forum is not only a great source of information, but also one of supportive, caring people.

Thanks again

Hiedi glad you made it through! Now keep us posted on the results we'll be here to pat you on the back and hold your hand through cyber space. :)
I received my biopsy results and they were negative for cancer!!!

Yipee. What a relief!!!

Thanks for everyone for their kind words and support.


That is such wonderful news. Congrats!!! I am so glad you made it through the biopsy, I know how scared you were of that nasty needle. You are a trooper!

Isn't that the best news! What a relief! Now you can really enjoy the holiday weekend. You can have a double celebration. Yahoo!

Take care, Mcleary
Heidi, thanks for sharing your GOOD NEWS with us!!!:) :)
You must feel like a weight has been lifted off of your shoulders and before you know it you'll be using those shoulders for Cathe's Weights again:7
Enjoy your Holiday Weekend!

Take Care
WooHOO!!! Not only did you make it through the biopsy, but it's negative?! Alright! I'm affraid of needles too, big time! Yet, my son has diabetes, go figure! So, I can completely understand your fear. When I have to get surgery the scariest part of it is getting the needle poked into my hand. Ouch! Just thinking about it brings back the fear! Sad.
Anway, I'm gald to hear that everyones prayers and thoughts worked. I hope that you can relax and fully enjoy the rest of your week.


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