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    Negative effects of Atkins Diet? Articles?

    Well put Jenn :) A-Jock ... in response to your request I normally do 4 - 5 cardio sessions a week which consist of walk/run 5km. I will do some Cathe step workouts (Rythmic Step being my favourite), however I do enjoy getting outside. As for weights I try to get in two full body workouts...
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    Negative effects of Atkins Diet? Articles?

    I have to agree with you Mandif ... being an Atkins follower myself. A lot of people who criticize Atkins think we eat nothing but red meat and fat when that is the furthest thing from the truth. I have tried many different eating plans and diets and have to say I have had the most success...
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    Any Black Friday shoppers out there?

    Thanks Nadine :-) I enjoy shopping probably more than most but you know it's awful how Christmas Shopping can bring out the best in people if you know what I mean }( I can see how a day like that would be labeled "Black Friday". Definately a day I would stay clear of the malls ... regardless...
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    Any Black Friday shoppers out there?

    What does "Black Friday" mean? I'm Canadian and have heard that term used but don't know what it means. I'm sure there are other Canadians that would like to be educated on this as well :)
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    Hydrating lotion.

    Aveno works best for me. My skin get so dry in the winter that it burns. I've also used Wal-Mart's generic equivalent for Aveno and it seems to do the trick just as well. Best of luck ... :)
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    What's your Occupation?

    Business Analyst in Projects & Development, Payments & Banking Services.
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    Low Carb Diet

    Hi Shorty, IMHO ... go for it. I struggled for months without the scale moving ... eating clean doing 30/40/40 and averaging about 1200 - 1400 calories a day. I was exercising regularly with cardio and weights and was getting very frustrated.x( About 3 weeks ago I went to the book store...
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    Protein Powder ?

    Hi Rhonda, Congratulations on your weight loss and those size 4 levis :) !! You should be very proud. Hope you have a wonderful vacation.
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    Protein Powder ?

    Hi Rhonda, You mentioned you are using Atkins Protein Shakes ... so I am assuming you are eating according to the Atkins plan. I just started 6 days ago and am amazed at the results ...:) So far I am down 4 pounds and not starving and this is after my scales were stuck for almost 6 months...
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    Power Outage!!!!

    Up here in Toronto we were without it in our area for 24 hrs. Went out about 4:10 on Thursday and came on about the same time on Friday. As of last night (Saturday night) there still were a couple of areas in the city that didn't have power. I am hesitantly using my computer as they advised...
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    Attn Francine ... Please Help !!

    Thanks so much Francine for your advice. You've given me lots to work with. The medgem sounds pretty interesting. I will check out the sites you recommended over the weekend and I will keep you posted on my progress. :)
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    Attn Francine ... Please Help !!

    Hi Francine, I have been searching through some past posts trying to find some help to my situation and came across an older post you had responded to about BMR. I find the information you share very informative and helpful. I have been working out with Cathe DVDs on a regular basis since...
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    customer service

    Hi Sherry, I too am a fellow Canadian and second the motion for CK Sales. I have ordered all my DVDs through them and never had a problem. I live in Toronto and my order usually arrives within one week of placing it. I know ... once you've placed your order it is sooooo hard to wait. Just...
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    Cathe DVDs in UK

    As suggested above I would check out CK Sales if I were you. Being Canadian that is where I order all my DVDs through and I have no complaints with them. You might find them to be a little less expensive when it comes to the shipping. Best of luck :)
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    Good Protein Powders

    If you don't mind artificial sweeteners try mixing your vanilla powder with your favorite flavour of Crystal Light. I will also mix my chocolate powder with half 1% milk and half water with about 4 ice cubes. I find the ice thickens the shake up and makes it colder which improves the flavour...
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    Physique Transformation

    RE: Deborah/Fitness Goddess When you are on their program do you have to purchase their vitamin and protein suplements or do you have the option to continue using what you already use?
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    Any advice on a good book on low fat eating or dieting (I hate that word)

    RE: Any advice on a good book on low fat eating or diet... "Fat Wars" by Brad King ... has been an educating experience for me.
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    What to Use in Place of Mini Step

    Wow ... thanks to all of you for your suggestions :) Everyone on this site is so helpful! I have learned a lot from you all. I never realized you could purchase risers separately for your step ... that is an option I may consider looking into but until then sounds like I probably have things...
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    What to Use in Place of Mini Step

    Just got my new PUB/PLB DVD yesterday :) After reviewing it I noticed a lot of the leg work uses the Mini Step. Just looking for some suggestions as to what some of you use in place of the Mini Step.
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    I'm with you on that one Angela :) I too tried to put a scoop of vanilla protein powder in with my daily oatmeal and gagged on the first couple of spoonfulls :o The rest went in the garbage. I really don't like the flavour of vanilla anyway and with the oatmeal it was just awful. I've...