

For any of you who mix protein powder into your oatmeal - HOW do you do it? I just mixed a scoop of my vanilla protein powder in my regular instant oatmeal and could barely get the first bite down. I know I have read that people do this, so what am I doing wrong? Should I use more water than normal, use milk instead of water, what? x(
Hey Angela, maybe it is just me, but I love the way it tastes!! I was using the Quaker instant "for woman", the vanilla flavor. But I just switched to an Irish quick cooking(McCanns I think), because it has more fiber. I use Aria vanilla protein powder. I wish they made a non flavored powder, then we would have more options. The oatmeal thing is either a love it or hate it experience. Maybe you should try a different brand of powder. Do you like your oatmeal chunky or real smooth? I think the powder makes it thicker, so it you like it more smooth you would probably need to add more liquid. The irish oatmeal recipe on the box uses both water and skim milk, and I like mine sorta chunky, so the measurements work out fine. Hopefully, a little experimentation should help you out! Take care, Donna.
I don't know, maybe I need to change my protein powder. Its Optimum Nutrition Vanilla. The main sensation I got when I tasted it was CHALK. Do you put an entire scoop of protein powder in? I REALLY want to be able to eat this because I know its so good for me!
I'm with you on that one Angela :) I too tried to put a scoop of vanilla protein powder in with my daily oatmeal and gagged on the first couple of spoonfulls :eek: The rest went in the garbage. I really don't like the flavour of vanilla anyway and with the oatmeal it was just awful. I've resorted to putting the scoop of protein powder in about 6 - 8 oz. of Crystal Lite and drinking it at the same time I eat my oatmeal the old fashioned way with milk.:9
I tried the protein powder thing, too. Gross. I have oatmeal every morning, but I use the slow-cook thick cut oatmeal. I nuke it for 5 minutes on half-power, then I add non-fat milk to make it creamy, and for the protein bonus, with a little brown sugar and cinammon. It's my daily thing and the day feels a little off if I don't have my oatmeal. It's also a great snack, lunch, dinner...I just really like my oatmeal!

I have this meal once or twice a day. I think the taste depends on the protein powder that you use. I cook my plain oatmeal as directed and then put 2 scoops of Met RX vanilla butter cream, and add a little water until I get the desired consistancy. Be sure to stir until all the pp is blended in.

I just purchased a differnt kind of vanilla protein powder & did not like it as well as the Met RX. Once I finish this protein powder, I will go back to my Met RX.

Good luck,

Terri :7
Genisoy makes a chocolate flavored protein powder (14 grams of protein) that I mix with a plain flavored protein powder and a 'green' one (with wheat grass). They also have strawberry banana that I'm going to give a try. I've found the vanilla doesn't have a strong enough flavor for my taste buds! (I've never tried mixing it with oatmeal though so can't speak to that)
All right, please do not gross out, but I will tell you how I eat mine, and it is fab.....I take a sc. of Vanilla GROW! and mix it the night before and put it in the fridge. In the morning, I take a T. of gr. flax seed, 1/2 cup of oatmeal, and about 2 T. of raw pumkin seeds and put them into a bowl. Then I put the pro powder on top, and mix it all up. I ABSOLUTELY love this!!!! I crave it all the time, it is my fave.
Lori S.
Instead of protein powder, try putting in between 1/4-1/2 cup of lowfat cottage cheese into your oatmeal. I think this is pretty good and makes the oatmeal alot more creamy w/ no chalk taste.

I will microwave 1/2 cup of oatmeal w/ 1 cup of water for about 1 1/2 minutes. Then I will stir in anywhere from 1/4 to 1/2 cup of lowfat cottage cheese into it, nuke it again for about 30-45 seconds, stir it up, and then add Splenda (or sweetener of choice).If you like vanilla, you could add some vanilla extract to this too.

1/2 cup of cottage cheese is less than 100 calories, and about 13-14 grams of protein.. I have found this to be a MUCH tastier alternative to protein powder in oatmeal.

Good luck!

What I do is make pancakes with it.

I mix cottage cheese with oatmeal and add in eggbeaters and add 1 or 2 packets of low cal sweetneer, and some cinnimon and vanilla extract. When I remember to, I add in flax meal or wheat germ. Cook and eat. It's really big, but sometimes I eat the whole thing or split and eat the other half later.

You can put sugar free syrup afterwards if you want. I have also added sliced apples to this recipe(great!). I love it this way best.

I also use this recipe and add in a scoop of Vanilla powder which would replace the cottage cheese.
This is my recipe for oatmeal and I love it! It may not be as much protein as you are looking for but it doesn't taste chalky. First I take equal parts prunes and dried apicots and mix it in the food processor (this I learned from working a nursing home). I keep it in a container in the fridge. To make the oatmeal, I use one serving of oats, a tablespoon (not scoop!) of Twinlab's Vege Fuel, a tablespoon or two of my prune/apricot mix, and water. In the microwave for about two minutes. It gets thick but I like it that way. I then sprinkle over a tiny bit of sugar and pour soy milk on it (I actually scrape the oatmeal to the side and pour the soy milk next to it). I think it is quite tasty, good for me and keeps my tummy happy.

It is the brand.I use this brand and it does not mix with oatmeal.I just drink it.The brand I use to use (bought at walmart) did taste yummy in oatmeal I am thinking it may be because it is whey is why it don't taste good in oatmeal.The other brand wasn't whey.
I couldn't eat the Quaker oatmeal. Have any of you tried the multi grain by quaker oats? I have and compared to slimy oatmeal its pretty good. Not really any flavor just no slime!!!!

>All right, please do not gross out, but I will tell you how I
>eat mine, and it is fab.....I take a sc. of Vanilla GROW! and
>mix it the night before and put it in the fridge. In the
>morning, I take a T. of gr. flax seed, 1/2 cup of oatmeal, and
>about 2 T. of raw pumkin seeds and put them into a bowl. Then
>I put the pro powder on top, and mix it all up. I ABSOLUTELY
>love this!!!! I crave it all the time, it is my fave.
>Lori S.

Lori, I'd be curious to try something like this. What do you mix your protein powder with the night before? Water? And, how much?

I make my proatmeal by using 1/3 cup of oatmeals, about 3/4 cup of water, nuking for 2 minutes. Then I add 1/2 tsp cinamon some splenda or equal or nutrasweet, 1 tsp of SF syrup and 1.5 scoop of protein (my favorite flavor for this is chocolate, but vanilla is good too).

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