Protein Powder ?


Someone mentioned in a post back a few months ago, that they mixed their protein powder with orange juice, I wanted to know what brand of protein powder. I have been buying the Atkins Advantage protein shakes but their exspensive, trying to find a protein power that has a decent taste to it with 5 gms of sugar or less per serving, also that has at least 20 grams of protein per serving or more........ Thanks Rhonda :7 :7
I use ZonePerfect protein powder when I need to up my protein intake. It has 0 carbohydrates, 0 sugars, and 0 fat and each scoop provides 7 grams of protein in it. I have mixed it into soup, yogurt, oatmeal, as well as juices and I don't think that it affects the taste of these foods at all (BTW, I feel I need to explain the in soup thing, I use my protein powder after I have oral surgery and am restricted to soft foods for two weeks afterward. Only one more surgery to go!). I bought this at a health food store (don't know where you live if you have Whole Foods) for $9.99 a can. There is also a website

Hi Rhonda-
I drink a protein drink about once every few weeks. I vary my diet quite a bit and try to get other sources of protein and don't typically buy protein supplements on a regular basis. But I keep Designer Whey in the house, mainly because I can get it at a discount! It's normally priced about $30 for a 2.1 lb. container where I bought it, but that might vary depending on where it's sold. Looking at the label it says it has 90 calories per serving, 1.5 grams fat, 2 grams of carbs, and 17.5 grams of protein. It comes in several flavors but I have only tried french vanilla and I think it tastes fine but I do mix it with a banana, 1/2 cup of soy or skim milk, 1/2 cup water and occassionally I'll add a little bit of cinnamon or nutmeg. I think I tried it once with OJ instead of milk and that was good, too. Hope this helps! Diana
I use Carbsolution's Protein Powder it has 3 g of carbs and I think 1 g of sugar or none can't remember. It has 21 g of protein per serving which is 2 scoops. I mix mine in water with a banana,some wheat germ and berries and it is very good. Of course it can be drank by itself with only water too. I use the creamy vanilla flavor for my smoothies. Hope that helps you some:D
I found what I was looking for on page 6 of the open discussion under .. good taste protein shakes ...... thanks Rhonda :p
I like Precision Protein. It has no fat, NO sugar, and, I believe, 25 g of protein per serving. I mix the vanilla with a little sugar-free orange jello for a yummy creamsicle shake.

Thanks Annette, Sherry and Shari, that helps alot, I do need ideas on making it take different and better. And I am definately looking for a protein powder that tastes good and has plenty of protein in it, no less than 20 grams a serving. Again thanks for your replies :7 ... also I like the less sugar, prefer 3 grams or less a serving ..... Rhonda :7

p.s. I typed this the other day but for some reason it didn't post.x(
:D I just bought a 5lb. jug of protein powder at Vitamin World for $26. It is the value whey made by Vitamin World. It contains 20 gram of protein and 2 gram of sugar and 2 grams of fat. I just mix mine with milk in the blender with ice cubes. It takes pretty good!! I hope to build some sort of muscle with this. ;-)
I use Protoplex on my lifting days as a meal replacement. It has 42 grams of protein and is only 270 calories (20 from fat). A little high on carbs (22 grams) if you're doing Atkins or similar, but I feel it's helped me make some muscle gains. You can get it at Vitamin World for around $26 for 20 packs. I just suggest throwing it in the blender with LOTS of ice to make it more palatable!!

Hi Rhonda,
You mentioned you are using Atkins Protein Shakes ... so I am assuming you are eating according to the Atkins plan. I just started 6 days ago and am amazed at the results ...:) So far I am down 4 pounds and not starving and this is after my scales were stuck for almost 6 months.

I am currently using GNCs 100% Whey protein powder. I used to mix my vanilla with Crystal Light, but because you cannot use aspertaime on Atkins the only thing I have been able to think of thus far is I buy unsweetened cool aid and sweeten it with Splenda (about 1/2 to 3/4 cup). The 100% Whey has 21g of protein and 4.9g of carbs. I know on the label of the cool aid there are minimal amounts of sugar in it even thought it is not sweetened, but it's all I could come up with and I figured because it was so minimal it likely wouln't have a huge effect on the plan as a whole. So far I can't complain.

Hope that helps :)
Hi Ellis,
No, I am not following the Atkins diet, I went to GNC nutrition center looking for protein powder, because we were going on vacation and I knew I would need some added help with protein. I seen the Atkins Advantage shake had 20 grams of protein and asked the guy how they tasted, so I bought them.
I don't really follow a diet plan, I just try to watch what I eat, eat more protein and leafy green veggies, and I drink LOTS of water. I seldom drink and soft drinks or sugary drinks, but do here and there.
Between MIS and Power Hour, I lift weights 4 times and week and walk alot, I also do the Terminator minus the step work, because I don't have a real good step bench yet.
I just went to Walmart and bought the EAS Edge Soy Protein Power, but I am going to get that stuff one of the other girls was speaking of Precision Protein at Vitamin World.
I have lost of total of about 26 lbs, went from 138 to 112 :7 ....I am going to buy a pair of size 4 levis and see how close they are to fitting :7 .....
Thanks for you help Ellis
Hi Rhonda,

Congratulations on your weight loss and those size 4 levis :) !! You should be very proud. Hope you have a wonderful vacation.

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