Any Black Friday shoppers out there?

I detest Black Friday. My 13-year-old son got shoved out of the way last year when he went to get a present for his little brother. Black Friday brings out the worst in people. (Present company excluded, I hope.)

More than half of my Christmas shopping is done. I've scaled WAY back because we really have everything a family could ever need. The kids are getting personal hydration systems and books, DH is getting a gun cabinet, other family members are getting handmade blankets.

Are you making the fleece balnkets with the fringe/tassels? If so, aren't they easy? Hubby & I have made 4 so far and have 3 more to go. (Or, 5 if we decide to make one for the in-laws.) BTW, what are personal hydration systems? To keep this on subject, we DO go out the day after Thanksgiving shopping many years. Not sure what we are doing yet. Hubby loves the holiday crowds!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Last year I got to the parking lot of WalMart at 7:20 am. Couldn't find a parking space, people lined up at the door, walking to their cars with the TVs and DVD players I had come for. It was too much for me, I left. This year I plan to go to Aeropostale at the mall, hope I have better luck.

Oh, heck no!!! I've got most of the "big" presents for the main people on my list (family), so any shopping from now on will be the little extras and stocking stuffers. Friday will be putting up the Nativity, mail out some Christmas cards (now where did I put them???), and change fall linens, curtains and decorations to Christmas/winter stuff. And recovery from the feasting the day before!!!
RE: Buy Nothing Day

I applaud this loudly!

About the only thing I'm likely to buy on Black Friday is milk and loo roll. Does it count?!?!?!?!?! }(

Shopping no way! I spend the day feeding all the crazy shoppers bagels! Even if I had the day off there is no way I would be in those crazy masses. I do most of my shopping online much easier! Have a wonderful shopping day all you black Friday shoppers. Donna.
I was out today to pick up some medicine. I had to fight for a parking spot! At the mall, one lady claimed that she drove 2 hours just to go to the mall (one of the Mills malls)! I live in the northern part of Virginia, there were cars with plates from Florida, New York, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Maryland, West Virginia, DC, Ohio, Georgia, and other states. People were arguing over spaces, and the mall was stuffy. Are the deals really that good??
The idea of getting up really early to go shopping sounds fun... but I've never done it. I usually have to work the day after Thanksgiving (but it's a sloooooowwwww day).
Those who get up to take on the sales -- Good for you!
We had a blast!! We left the house about 10AM, after I worked out of course - LOL!! I did Step Blast, so I was ready for ANYTHING!!

Shoe Carnival was the worst, only because the salesperson with the microphone announcing the "only five minutes left!" sales had a very loud voice, and Nik and I couldn't hear each other - LOL! We found shoes quickly and headed to the mall!

It honestly looked like a busy Saturday and nothing more. Of course, it's been a rain/snow mix here all day and windy, so maybe a few people stayed home! We got jewelry for the dresses, and bought awesome black strapless bras at Victoria's Secret (and got for free the new Sting CD!!), and then we bought my husband a Civil War chess set for Christmas.

Then we headed to Target, where it was a bit more crowded than usual, but not terribly so. We needed just a few things there, then we came home! We were here by 1:30!! I just might do this again next year!! LOL!!

Now I need to chill because I still have to work 8 hours tonight ... Oh well ... at least my shopping is done!!

Just got back from the stores but I went at noon time so it wasn't that bad at all although I had to park waaaayyy out in the parking lot ...boy do my feet hurt. IWe walked around alot and stood on lines for awhile but I was expecting alot worse. It was fun this afternoon.:)
RE: Jenne!

Hi! (I was gone for the weekend.) I'm crocheting blankets, but I might do fleece next year! Personal hydration systems are backpacks with a bladder inside to hold water. I have one that my husband got in the desert and I appropriated. They're great for summer activities like fests and fairs where you'll be out all day and don't want to carry a water bottle. Mine holds 72oz. My older son's also holds 72 oz and my younger son's holds 50oz (it's scaled smaller since he's only 7.)
What does "Black Friday" mean? I'm Canadian and have heard that term used but don't know what it means. I'm sure there are other Canadians that would like to be educated on this as well :)
Black Friday (the day after Thanksgiving) is one of, if not THE, the busiest shopping days of the year down here in the states. Usually stores run SUPER sales and open un-Godly early and stay open very late and parking is usually NOWHERE to be found!

I think the name probably came from the tempers that sometimes accompany the die hard shoppers. This year one woman was even trampled and knocked unconcious by "fellow" shoppers at a Walmart.


~~Happiness is an Attitude~~
Thanks Nadine :) I enjoy shopping probably more than most but you know it's awful how Christmas Shopping can bring out the best in people if you know what I mean }( I can see how a day like that would be labeled "Black Friday". Definately a day I would stay clear of the malls ... regardless of how good the deal were :)

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