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  1. J

    PUB chapter points?

    Cool, good to know. FWIW the videos played great on the XBox 360--I just put the file on a USB stick, plugged the stick into one of the USB ports on the front, and browsed to it in the video player. Aside from the wackygonuts chapter points, it was a very workable solution.
  2. J

    PUB chapter points?

    I used my husband's XBox 360 to play PUB last night, and I'm not sure if it is the PUB file or the XBox but the chapter points seemed to be off. The warmup wasn't its own chapter--it was lumped in with the talk Cathe gives in the beginning. The beginning of the second chapter was somewhere in...
  3. J

    Please consider having one taller exerciser . . .

    I'm 5'8", my sister is 6'1". We'd both appreciate a taller background exerciser! :)
  4. J

    SNM question, I can view the newer DVDs but not the old ones...

    Piggybacking on this one--the clips at work but the clips on the store do not. I copied/pasted the video links and switched the mms:// to http:// and got a 404 File Not Found error for the ones in the store, FYI.
  5. J

    Cathe Yoga Pilates

    Careful what you wish for! Do you REALLY want to do "Iron Maiden Max" or "Maximum Intensity Rack Stretching?" Because I bet Cathe could find a way to make those happen. Some might argue she already has. ;)
  6. J

    New clips are TOTALLY WICKED!!!!

    You might also try a utility called CCleaner. (short for "Crap Cleaner.") It can be downloaded from I've fixed a multitude of wacky browser problems (both IE and Firefox) that way for myself and for users I used to support. The clips look awesome, Cathe & SNM...
  7. J

    Cathe, how is Brenda doing?

    OMG! Poor Brenda! At least she was doing something "cool" when it happened. It'll make for better stories. ;) It beats "I tripped on the dog" or "my kid left her rollerskates on the stairs," I guess. I'll be thinking healing thoughts for you, Brenda! Get well soon!
  8. J

    Cathe, just got back from Germany!

    Wow, there are a lot of German Cathe fans! We had so much fun on the trip and really loved the hospitality we encountered. I have to say that while the atmosphere of the Hofbrauhaus was really touristy and fun, the beer there was the most mediocre that we experienced. (It wasn't bad, by any...
  9. J

    Cathe, just got back from Germany!

    I apologize, I exaggerated in an attempt at humor. :P We definitely did not eat sausage every day, although we did eat a lot more of that kind of stuff than we do at home! It was all excellent. :) I wouldn't trade the experience for anything! I was very amused that I had that silly dream...
  10. J

    Cathe, just got back from Germany!

    And in spite of spending five days in Bonn and five days in Bavaria (Munich and surrounding area) on a steady diet of bread sausage, bread, beer, sausage, sausage, SAUSAGE, and bread, I lost about four pounds! (I was LONGING for clean eating by the time we got on the plane to come...
  11. J

    Happy Birthday, Cathe!!!!

    Happy belated birthday, Cathe! July is a great month for birthdays--I turned 30 on the 18th. ;) Hooray for unclean b-day calories!
  12. J

    SNM or Cathe -- any updates on this promised feature??

    RE: SNM or Cathe -- any updates on this promised featur... It's not any weirder, creepier, or more unprofessional than other people in other career fields collaborating and having mentoring relationships. Is it weird or creepy for me to work with people in my profession that have been doing it...
  13. J

    Help - sound problem

    I am having this problem as well, although it's the opposite of fitnancy's. If I go through the TV for audio, I get sound. If I use the surround sound system, I get nothing. I've already e-mailed about this, but I thought I'd post it here as well. I can find out how everything is wired up...
  14. J

    An Update on the Freezing Issue!

    SNM--would it be helpful for you to have a list of specific models that did not have problems vs. specific models that have had problems? Do you want us to post that information in the forum, e-mail it to [email protected], or sit on it for now until you hear more from Sony and the authoring...
  15. J

    OK.... i just have to ask this....

    RE: OK.... i just have to ask this.... (possibly contains spoilers) Once I heard about the thank you gift, I *knew* I had to have it. I've posted threads asking if I was "eligible," etc question didn't get answered in Ask Cathe, but I heard back from Nancy. Tonight! 7pm central on a...
  16. J

    A little levity please ...

    Okay, bad joke time: A pirate walks into a bar and he's got the steering wheel from his ship stuffed down the front of his pants. The bartender says "hey, why do you have that steering wheel in your pants?" The pirate says "yarrrr, it's drivin' me nuts!" Thanks, I'll be here all week...
  17. J

    SNM -- weird preorder questions

    Bumping to add that I finally found my order info--I placed order #9539 on 9/17/05. I added my other two DVDs on 8/16/06 and 8/23/06.
  18. J

    SNM -- weird preorder questions

    I placed an order for LIC back when the preorder started. In September of '06, I added B&G and BMax2 to my preorder. My questions are these: Will my order ship according to my first order or my last one? ...and... Am I eligible for the preorder surprise? I saw the spoiler and I...
  19. J

    Cathe Pre-Order Surprise Spoiler (Don't read if you don't want to know!)

    I preordered LIC waaaay back in Sept/Oct 2005 but then added to my preorder when the pics came out...I hope I get the surprise DVD. It sounds wonderful!
  20. J

    MIS: Still a killer after all these years.

    Get this--I scored MIS on VHS for $1 at Goodwill a few months ago. I LOVED it! When it developed a hitch in its getalong, I bit the bullet and bought MIS/PH/BMax on DVD. I found "Taking it From the Top" at that same Goodwill for a buck, too. I wound up giving it to someone who said she had...