A little levity please ...

L Sass

Thought we could use some around here.

Seems 82-year old Mrs. Johnson's doctor of 50 years passed away, forcing her to choose a new physician (Hey - BeckyMD - pay attention) For her first appointment with the new doc she was directed to bring a list of all of her current prescriptions. As Doctor Smith looked over her list of meds, he noticed a script for birth control pills.

"Mrs. Johnson", he said, "I don't know if you realize it, but one of your current prescriptions is for birth control pills, and I don't really think you need these anymore."

"Why yes, I do," said Mrs. Johnson. "They help me sleep better at night."

"Oh Mrs. Johnson," said Doctor Smith, "there is absolutley NOTHING in those pills that can help you sleep at night."

"Why Doctor, YES, there is. You see, every morning I dissolve one of those pills into my 16-year old granddaughter's orange juice, and I can sleep a whole lot better because of it!" :)

Any others?


Pain is temporary - quitting lasts forever
Candace Grasso, CC-V-6
hahahahahaha that's great!

This is a true story:

My sister, who is the mother of my DN that I love and watched all year last year, got a great tip from my 72 year old grandpa and his 94 year old mom when she was visiting them out of town last year about birth control. Great GM says, "if you don't want to get pregnant again, you need to put an aspirin between your knees before you go to bed." DS goes, "what the heck will that do?!?" GP tells her, "well, if you wake up in the morning and the aspirin is still there, you know you didn't get pregnant!"

I thought that was so funny, especially coming from my GREAT grandma and her SON!!! :p

Okay, bad joke time:

A pirate walks into a bar and he's got the steering wheel from his ship stuffed down the front of his pants. The bartender says "hey, why do you have that steering wheel in your pants?" The pirate says "yarrrr, it's drivin' me nuts!"

Thanks, I'll be here all week. Try the veal.

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