SNM -- weird preorder questions


I placed an order for LIC back when the preorder started. In September of '06, I added B&G and BMax2 to my preorder. My questions are these:

Will my order ship according to my first order or my last one?


Am I eligible for the preorder surprise? I saw the spoiler and I *really* *really* hope I am! :D

Thanks for your help! I e-mailed the support address but never got a confirmation message.
Bumping to add that I finally found my order info--I placed order #9539 on 9/17/05. I added my other two DVDs on 8/16/06 and 8/23/06.
I did the same thing, too--added a DVD to my pre-order. Not sure when mine will be sent, though, since I ordered mine so late. I figure I'll just enjoy the other "new" Cathes I have (I ordered a bunch of her newer DVDs that I haven't yet tried--my Cathe DVD's were all CTX and prior!), since I have plenty I have yet to do for the first time :).


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