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  1. B

    Interview with Cathe in the New Fit Magazine

    Oooooh, I Just got this issue today so I'll have to check for it when I'm on the train. Yay!
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    The "emotional effects" of weight loss

    RE: The I think some people think that if they loose weight thier life will miraculously be better and their problems will dissapear. But then when that doesn't happen they odn't know what to do and feel let down. Cause problems stay even after loosing weight. That's just my thought. Diane
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    Mini Skirts After Age 35

    I'm 33 and I feel young. :-) I say if it looks good then wear it. Agreed that work may not be the best place but that would go for all ages. I don't feel there is an age cap on miniskirts as long as you can pull off the look. ;-) Diane
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    Anybody live in Victoria BC or Chicago, IL?

    I'm in Naperville which is approx 30 min west of Chicago. Work in Chicago though. Blemum
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    Can't decide if the Transfirmer is going to

    I'm right there with you. I am trying so hard to resist. I keep telling myself that it will still be around and I don't have to buy it NOW!!!!!!!! So hard though.
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    Preschoolers - would you EVER say this?

    My son, who is in pre-school, has said stuff like that. I tell him that it is not nice or ok to say things like that. He also says "I hate you." To my dh and me when he is angry. Well, he used to, not so much anymroe. I would let him know first that it wasn't "hate' he had but that he was...
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    Mothers-would you EVER say this?

    When I had my son - he's now five - I didn't sleep for probably 3 months. I had no help, my dh worked all the time managing a restaurant/bar that was open till 4am. I was miserable. I was scared of doing things wrong and that I'd permanently damage my son (mind you the things I worried aobut...
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    OK it's confession time

    >I've recently started having chemical peels, if you consider >that a cosmetic procedure. My skin looks much brighter and a >lot of the hyperpigmentation is gone. I would like to have >the spider veins removed from my legs and botox would be >great. Then of course there's breast...
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    OK it's confession time

    No procedures done so far. I do dye my hair and I've at home bleached my teeth adn had braces way back when. A couple things keep my from procedures. 1. there are several I'd be interested. Scared if I open that can of worms, where does one stop finding room for improvement. Not all...
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    Any Admin. Assts. out there?

    It's no longer admin day but I did get a chocolate bar from the quant group and a coworker wants to treat me to lunch when "not so busy". THat's it. I didn't even hear from or see my boss!! Oh well. I'm office manager/admin at a 10 people place. Diane
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    What is better for loosing weight (RO0

    I have about 15 pounds to go. Looking pretty good and this isn't hte last 10 pounds when I'm where I should be. That would giveme 25 pounds to loose. I'm being realistic. Anyway, would I be better to do 2 or 3 whole body workouts a week?? a split and if I split an upper/lower like the...
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    New to board and hoping for rotation advice! Thanks

    I've been using my 8 pound firm sculpting stick with ankle weigths wrapped around it! It's a pain though but for now it suffices. In amonth or two I'll get a barbell. Just bought shoes and then soccer class and cleats for DS and our beach pass and his swimming fees will be in amonth. Whwe...
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    New to board and hoping for rotation advice! Thanks

    Yea, I definately can lift heavier with Cathe than with the Firm. I am needing/wanting a barbell now of course. ;-) and some heavier dumbbells. ;-) Anyway, thanks so much for your thoughts. ;-) :7
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    New to board and hoping for rotation advice! Thanks

    Thanks, I wrote downt he name of that book and will get it. ;-) I actually started the whole eating right/getting into shape thing back at the end of the year. Doing gym workouts - mostly classes and then Firm workouts. Now I"m moving into my Cathe workouts. I think I'm gonna print your post...
  15. B

    New to board and hoping for rotation advice! Thanks

    Hi, this is my first time posting but I've been lurking a bit. I want to do a Cathe rotation right now. I do home dvd workouts on Wed, Sat and Sun and possible Monday. Tuesday and Thursday I do a high/lo class at the gym or workout on elliptical or bike for additional cardio. I hope to...