Can't decide if the Transfirmer is going to

becky v

suck me in!! I looked it up on the web and now I'm just about dying to get it. Is this a waste of money?? I would use it to supplement on the days that I just can't handle a hard core Cathe workout. I've got 30+ Firm videos from that I've been collecting for 10 years and I just don't know if I can turn my back on this new system....maybe I'll wait till it's available at Target like I did with BSS 2. What do y'all think??? x(
I'm right there with you. I am trying so hard to resist. I keep telling myself that it will still be around and I don't have to buy it NOW!!!!!!!! So hard though.
I think these workouts are a fairly good fit for lighter days. I'm a little disappointed with the choreography and the music, though. I think the AWT and Sculpting videos will make it into my regular rotation for a while, but not the Cardio.

The good:
1. The set is bright and pleasant.
2. You can work up a good sweat to the AWT and the Cardio videos if you give it 100%.
3. The cueing in the Sculpting video is very good.
4. Form is generally quite good from all the instructors.
5. The choreography is pretty simple - good for no-brainer days or those who are choreographically challenged.
6. There are some fun new moves using the Transfirmer in the AWT video.
7. The Transfirmer is a very well made piece of equipment. Very solid and does not slip.
8. The bonus and add-on videos that I have done (both the Abs workouts and the lower body one) are very effective.

The bad:
1. Most of the music is boring.
2. Some of the segments are too long and repetitive.
3. Stephanie's bobs are very (HUGE) distracting in the cardio workout. Could be a personal thing, but I think her top could have been more modest and supportive. Perhaps this is why. . . .
4. The instructors don't seem to be giving 100% all the time. I know they generally use lighter weights in their videos than in real life, but their cardio moves are usually bigger and more powerful than in this series. Maybe they're afraid of popping out.:eek:
5. The Transfirmer is a little tricky to move around because of the size/weight. I had several close calls, then broke a nail when it slipped out of my sweaty hand while moving it.
6. If you're tall, the Transfirmer is a bit short for the lying incline work. I'm 5'7" and if my head is fully supported, my tushie is hanging off the end a bit.
7. Some of the choreography is too simple. I had to force myself through sections of the cardio workout that bored me.
8. Pam says "toward" several times in a way that made me think English was her second language. Distracting, but not a show stopper.

I was trying for 10 good and 10 bad, but that's all I can come up with at the moment.
They do their usual squats, plyometrics, leg presses, mambos, etc....same old moves as their previous versions. I agree w/ Mona's post....the moves seem to be very half-hearted...the instructors aren't giving their all.

The new Transfirmer series are very similar to BSS2 (if you have that system). However, I feel it's not as intense as BSS3. The new series is really geared toward the beginner/intermediate.

I am in the same boat as you- I can't handle not having one of their videos! The price at their website is cheaper than anywhere else- one less payment.
I looked everywhere for reviews and really couldn't find any negative. The main down side for me was that they're really geared for beginners- people new to the Firm.
I've been doing the Firm videos for 3+ years and I think I've exhausted their potential, at least for me. They're okay workouts at this point, except they don't change anything. Ever!
And, to fit the transfirmer into my 2 bedroom apartment with the incline and the box just doesn't make any sense. I think I'll get a real step next, then use the incline for any incline section- once the videos become available without having to buy the transfirmer.
Now I'm on a mission to get all the Cathe videos I can, because she's doing things I've never seen or thought of!

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