OK it's confession time

I whitened my teeth with dental trays before my wedding, and still occasionally use whitening strips, though I tend to be rather lazy about it, and should do it more often.

I've had one or two bikini waxes in my time, but I'm lazy about that too. I would like to have the hair on my legs removed by lasar, but somehow never seem to get the process started. I've been told several times that I'm a perfect candidate.

And of course there's Ramy, the eyebrow guy! Thank you so much Allison for recommending him. My eyebrows look awesome! He works so fast, I feel like I'm only there for 5 minutes.

I like the gray that is coming in around my temples. I think it makes me look distinguished, and I'm not inclined to do anything about it. I'm hoping to gray like my Mom, whose salt and pepper look I think is beautiful and it's all natural. Very classy looking.

Sorry so long!

RE: Hey Lorihart

You look great don't start fretting lol give it 20 yrs for heavens sake, I am 45 and am planning to have breast augmentation as soon as possible.... but of course this is after children and gravity....

I am just finishing up crest white strips, never used them before now.
I am also tanning for the first time.....
I have been highlighting and dying my hair blonde for 25 yrs.... although I do have my dads good genes for no noticable grey hair and fairly good skin...... this is all I could think of.....

I highlight my hair often, but no cosmetic surgery....yet!

Right now, I cant afford to pay my house payment...but one of these days, I would really love to have a tummy tuck. I have SO much loose skin, with lots of strech marks. I would also like have a boob lift. But, I dont know if I will ever get to. Maybe I will go to work for a plastic surgeon.....that would be wonderful!

I've been thinking about teeth whitening myself now that I have quit smoking. I may go (after the baby is born and things settle a bit) for a consultation to find out what brite smile is all about. My regular dentist actually offers it so that would be quite convenient for me if I am gonna do it....


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm!

EDD: 05/19/05
The upkeep on this body is insane :)

The maintenance stuff:
-- haircolor/highlights to get rid of the grey (every 6-8 wks)
-- manicures/pedicures (every 5 weeks or so as needed)
-- facials (face and back) (every 6 weeks)
-- massages (when necessary)
-- waxing (eyebrows, bikini)

The hard-core stuff:
-- sclerotherapy (2001) to remove a couple of spider veins
-- umbilical hernia fixed (so I no longer have an "out-ty")
-- lipo (hips, butt, inner and outer thighs)

lipo hurt like hell and I wouldn't do it again -- but I AM very happy with the results. My lower body was just SO out of proportion with my upper body and held so much fat (regardless of how much I worked out or ate clean).

I'd like to try Botox but haven't done it yet.

Working out and eating clean (when I DO eat clean) has made all the difference in my body. But sometimes you just need a little help in some areas and I think it is perfectly fine to do it.

Good lord -- I just realized where all my money is going :)

OH...I forgot the teeth!

I had braces for a year. Then got teeth whitening (zoom) and 6 veneers on the top.

That set me back more than anything else!

I've never had anything done. I'm only 27 so I still have a lot of time but I do have a question and it's sort of geared to the older ladies. I noticed a couple of you guys want to get breast implants. Why would you want to get breast implants in your 40's? Please do not attack me. It really is an innocent question because as we get older, our body goes south. What I am wondering about is what if your body goes south due to gravity but your boobs still look very young? Won't it look funny? Won't you feel you'd have to get more surgeries to keep your body look as young as your boobs? Like I said, it's just an innocent question. I've never seen any older women with fake boobs which is why I asked this "stupid" question. Please bear with me. :)

Hey Lisa...I got my implants at 30 yrs old but when I was researching the subject I found that a surprising percentage of women who undergo this surgery are 40+. I can't answer as to why they do it...I don't remember that part but I do know the #s are pretty high. I personally think it's great though. I say good for them!:7


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm!

EDD: 05/19/05
Well, I am "only" 37, but I will say that I can't imagine anyone who participates on this board is letting everything (or anything!) "go south." Remember, you don't HAVE to end up looking like that. You can age with a great body if you take care of yourself. I believe I look and feel better than most women I know who are in their 20s and early 30s.

On the time lag: I would bet many women wait until they're done having kids and those kids are somewhat self-sufficient before taking steps like cosmetic surgery, I think. There are time and money issues when you have small children. Also, I think women tend to be more centered on their kids than on themselves until the kids start getting engaged more outside the home.

Also, specific to breast augmentation, the breasts can change at a different (faster) pace than the rest of the body due to childbearing and nursing. Remember, breast tissue is primarily fat, and when your weight fluctuates, this is one of the first places you will lose it. I was a double D after having my second but am normally a C. So gaining weight in the breasts and then losing it can leave them saggy. Most "older" women seek size replacement (maybe a little bigger, that's what I would do) and a lift, NOT the Pamela Anderson/watermelon look. I would bet you actually know many women who have had this done, you just can't tell because they had them done in proportion to their bodies!

Interesting question, but I will admit a tad insulting...

I had a tooth pulled and braces on my bottom teeth about 5 years ago. That tooth always bothered me and I'm so glad I did it. It was just a lil crooked. I also highlight and color my hair and occasionally go to a tanning booth:eek: :eek: I know it's bad but it helps my skin and my mood when it's dreary out, and I don't do it that often.

I would love to have bigger breasts but I don't think I'll ever have the nerve to do it. Maybe someday but I'm chicken right now.

That's all I'd have done if I could too.;)

"Remember, you don't HAVE to end up looking like that. You can age with a great body if you take care of yourself."


AMEN to that! :)


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm!

EDD: 05/19/05
Wendy, lol.

In retrospect, my post was pretty focused on women who have had children... I guess because IMO they have the most changes in their breasts due to nursing (anyone who has lived with breasts over-engorged with milk know what I mean, LOL). I'm going to say that women without children might wait until a little later in life due to finances or time... or even fear, of the surgery or whatever.

Some other thoughts I had... I think some people really overdo plastic surgery and that is why you hear a lot of negativity about it. Some of those reality shows that are dedicated to looking like someone else are REALLY scary to me and I feel so sorry for the participants. But I would bet the vast majority of people who get cosmetic procedures done are just dealing with a trouble area or two that they are unhappy about. It doesn't make you shallow or superficial, and certainly doesn't indicate you have no self-esteem. I think it is unfortunate that people are afraid to talk about it sometimes because of the response they get from others.

Ok, off my soapbox. ;-)

I haven't had any cosmetic surgery, but I contemplate a breast "lift" fairly frequently. I nursed my daughter for 14 months, and I'd really just like my breasts (what there is of them) to be back where they're supposed to be!

I dye my hair and get highlights, I had braces, I do the bikini wax thing.
Ok, Marie, how was the question TAD bit insulting?? I was just curious. And trust me, none of the women I know who are older does not have breast implants.

In due respect, I've seen some very fit older people and they still have "loose" skin even though they're muscular and in shape. You can see a 6 pack on a woman or a man but they have "loose" skin because they're getting older and you can't fight that. And yes, they are thin and in a TOP shape. I do not find anything wrong with that at all. Some people are very lucky genetically but most people do not have those genes. I'm not here to start an argument. I'm just stating facts and from what I've seen. I'm not talking about Oxygen, M&F Hers, etc because you have airbrushing, good lighting, great make up job, etc....I'm talking about real people like us. I used to work at a gym which is one of the places I've seen bodies like I explained.

No procedures done so far. I do dye my hair and I've at home bleached my teeth adn had braces way back when.

A couple things keep my from procedures. 1. there are several I'd be interested. Scared if I open that can of worms, where does one stop finding room for improvement. Not all people but I don't know. 2. the CASH. With a tight budget I can't justify the expense though that may change in 10 years. ;-)

IF I had the cash I'd definately have:
1. IPL treatment for redness from rosacea. It's not too bad but if I could just irradicate it I'd be happy.
2. Botox interests me as beween my eyebrows and my forehead have lines
3. Honestly lipo on only my inner thighs. No matter what I do they bulge. Even when I was younger and had crazy low fat on my body it seemed that that one place was still big and bulgy (not muscley).
4. Eye lift to correct issues I"ve had my whole life.

Now, I'm happy with how I look now but if I was gonna do some tweaking that is what I'd do.

Shelley--I've considered it as well. The BF keeps talking me out of it (which is very sweet--the ex hubby was all for it & actually nagged me about it quite a bit). I've even had a consult. For some reason I've just never had the courage to take the leap. Partly b/c I always seem to have something I'd rather spend my money on, & partly b/c besides the expense of the surgery, there's the expense of all new bras, which I'd imagine would match that of the surgery.

Bikini wax--OUCH! Doesn't it hurt?
>I've recently started having chemical peels, if you consider
>that a cosmetic procedure. My skin looks much brighter and a
>lot of the hyperpigmentation is gone. I would like to have
>the spider veins removed from my legs and botox would be
>great. Then of course there's breast augmentation and lipo,
>but those are unaffordable with 3 kids still at home. Maybe
>someday though.

Oh I forgot about the vein removal. Yes, I'd love my spider veins removed from my legs. I'd also like the permanent hair removal on all areas I shave.

Shelley/Maximus - I've thought about it a lot, too, but the BF doesn't want me to do it.

And bikini wax? OH YES, SISTER, IT HURTS LIKE H*LL!!!!

My BF keeps talking me out of it too. I guess that's why yours is the EX-hubby. To be honest, part of the reason I don't do it is because my sister had a radical double mastectomy two years ago, and somehow having a lift just seems so shallow after watching her go through that.

And no, bikini waxing doesn't hurt.:)

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