OK it's confession time

Braces, two veneers when I got them off, and when I have the money, I want to get two more veneers and whitening.

I've had my hair chemically straightened, and I'm definitely doing it again!
Breast augmentation 2 years ago ~ dumbest mistake of my life ~ would never do it again. I was trying to feel better about myself after husband's infidelity. Very dumb decision ~ wish I had spent my $3,000 on something else!
I had lipo a couple of years ago and would do it again it a heartbeat. Easiest thing in the world and it helped my self-esteem tremendously.

I also color/highlight my hair to hide the gray that the kids put there.

Oh, and my front teeth are bonded to hide the space.

Hmmmm...let's see.

I've had braces. I've used Crest white strips.

I've been dying my hair since age 18 when my first gray hair reared its ugly head. My family has a history of premature gray...now there's a gene I'd like to trade in.

I'm getting a spider vein removed next week from my chest. So now I may consider wearing more revealing clothing.

I'm thinking about botox to get the frowny lines between my brows taken care of. The only thing that holds me back is the cost. Also thinking about various peels or laser treatments for my lingering acne. Again the expense is holding me back.:eek:

Hi Sarah.

I hope I'm not intruding here...I just wanted to say a few things because your post struck me...

Sorry to hear that you regret your decision for implants. :( Sounds like you did it for the wrong reasons....doesn't sound like it was something you wanted for yourself and it's a procedure that you need to do for YOU and ONLY you. Have you ever considered having them removed if you truly aren't happy with them?


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm!

EDD: 05/19/05
No, I'd never have them removed. They hurt too much going in! }( It's not that I don't like the looks of them now ~ I do. I just wish I had been thinking a little more clearly before I did it and had really evaluated WHY I was getting them in the first place. Having said that, I had little left after breastfeeding two babies for 14 months each. Plus, I'm 5'10, and I went from an A cup to a C cup. I've never been super thin (always around a size 7/8), and an A cup just looked really disporportionate on me. I didn't go for Pamela Anderson BIG or anything, just something akin to my "pre-baby" days.
Hmm, I didn't realize hair coloring counts... I have been every color of the rainbow, pretty much. Now I am mostly auburn (which is very close to my natural color) although I am thinking about blonde for the summer.

I have had braced and I had my teeth whitened a couple of years ago, which was an awesome lift. I am going to get the laser whitening done at some point since I drink WAY too much coffee!

Max, I think your botox sounds like a deal. Where I live it would run about $1200 every three months - that is too much for me. $500 I could definitely live with, though. ;)

I really, REALLY want to do something about my neck. I started getting "rings" when I was 21. At 51 I have rings, wrinkles, lines, extra skin. I'd really like to change it.
$1200!?!?!?! OMG! Marie, where do you live? I know for a fact the stuff itself only costs the dr. about $100. That is some markup!
I've had braces as an adult. I love the results but won't do it again.

I've had my teeth whitened once. I was in a lot of pain afterwards. My teeth are too sensitive to all that peroxide. And the results didn't last long. I felt I got ripped off. Such an expensive procedure. Would NOT do it again. EVER.

I had a mole incised from my face when I was 12. It was my mom who was insistent that it be taken off. The doctor thought it was cancerous because the edges looked red and were uneven. The biopsy revealed that it was not. I liked the result, even as a child. My face looks cleaner.

I color my hair every 6-8 weeks and do a home peel every 2 weeks. If I could have something done, it would be to keep my face from breaking out at all. Apparently, science hasn't caught up to that. I doubt it ever will.

I was lucky to work in a facial plastic surgeon office for a while... so I had my lower eyelids done there (those nasty fat deposits under your eyes that give you the tired look were removed). Also I had a chin implant put in and some liposuction under the chin. The chin implant is giving me a more definite chin line. :) I do glyco peels for myself a lot ( I have a skin care studio) and of course the highlights.
I'm so very happy that I did the eyes! Mari
Let's see. Well, I did the braces thing when I was 14. Had them for four or so years.

I had 2 cosmetic surgeries in 1998 after losing 150 lbs. I had been working out and weight lifting and could not get rid of some of the overly stretched skin. My first procedure was 8 hours (breast aug, lipo, tummy tightening, excess skin removal) and the second was 5 hours (more skin removal and tightening they couldn't do in round 1. I got rid of 10-12 lbs of excess skin. You know, I still have some loose skin that will prevent a totally tight look but it's not enough to warrant more surgery now.

I'm very happy w/ the results and have kept my weight off for 14 years!

None here. Well, I did have braces for a year and a half when I was 12 but at the time wasn't thinking of it as a cosmetic procedure. I would LOVE to have a tummy tuck (after having six children, the tummy just isn't what it used to be), and maybe, just maybe breast augmentation. (Ha! If I had the $$$.)

Oh dear....and I thought all of my cathe friends were low maintance! And I was thinking....."look at the effects of exercise and eating right"! I didn't know there was a Doctor thrown in there to:)
I am only 26 so I am going to wait for my body to get a little worse yet.
I had a child at the tender age of 17 and I made it 8 monthes without any stretch marks. Then look out the last month! My boobs have stretch marks which are bit of a pain if my low cut shirt goes to low:) and the stretch marks on my belly.
I to think that I would have a flat belly now if I didn't have the marks b/c it is stretched skin.
So, with that being said.Yes, I have thought about getting the skin removed and having something done for my breast but the thoughts of surgery scare me. I haven't even had anything broke, let along going under the knife....on purpose!
We will see what the future brings....
I had a breast reduction last June. The doctor took almost 2 pounds off of each breast! I hated the thought of surgery. I was definitely scared, but I am healthy (and 35 years old) and took the risk. The bonus is that the doctor did a lift, too, which was also needed after nursing 2 babies for a year each.

I would do it again in a heartbeat, even though I couldn't do much all of last summer after the surgery. I am now a C down from a DDD! Love the results!

I am also loving this thread...it's very interesting!


I am in Northeast PA... that particular doctor is a Botox "specialist" which I suppose is why he charges so much. My hairdresser told me last night she had hers done for $500 and she looks great, so I may look into her doctor.

I think this is such an interesting thread!

Anyone interested in getting a procedure done should check out yestheyrefake.net. Lots of info and support there.

I had a breast reduction and would do taht again in a heartbeat. It was literally the best decision I have made (even though I waited like 4 yrs to actually do it).

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