OK it's confession time

Anyone ever have Brazilian bikini waxing done? I've thought about it but it sounds just too painful!
The funniest story I have ever read about the experience of getting one of these Brazilian Waxes. Someone posted this on theknot message boards and I just about died laughing. Warning: Do not drink anything while reading this. :) After reading this post, I will never ever try this:


"YOU CAN’T HANDLE THE TRUTH!!!!!! About Brazilian Waxes…

*said in my best Jack Nicholson voice*

As a matter of fact, that’s who I looked like after my wax last night. Remember him in “The Shining”?

Anyway, Ladies, I am here before you today to report back on the EVIL SIDE of bikini waxing!! Lately, there has been so much talk on this Chicago board about waxing and how great it was, and the Sisters Salon, that finally, in a moment of weakness I bit the bullet and went. I called for an appointment and they fit me in the next day before I could lose my nerve. I really wanted to surprise my husband who occasionally make jokes and refers to “IT” as “The Bush”.

Now let me preface this review by saying that I am Black. My hair down there is thick, strong, and curly. If left un-checked, I’m sure it could grow into a Mohawk that even Mr. T would be proud of. I normally use a combination of razors or Nair to keep in a tight little upside down V. But even that is notwithstanding razor bumps and occasional chaffing. TMI I know, but just so you understand. Chocolatcity girls, I know most of you can relate. I also didn’t take any Tylenol before I went. Not on purpose, I just forgot rushing out to get back to Nordstom’s before my appt.

So I am butt-naked on the table and the lady is twirling and weaving a long paper towel strip in between the *** of my ***! UMMM, HELLO!! What’s that all about? None of your reviews mentioned this! I was NOT prepared for that, even though it was very clinical and lasted only six seconds, but still. Next came the powder, followed by the hot wax. I distinctly remember tensing up as if this must be the calm before the storm. While she pressed down and smoothed out the cloth strip, I took a deep breath……RIIIIIIIIPPPPP!!!

“ARE YOU F***!NG KIDDING ME?”, was the message my sensory nervous system sent like a runaway freight train to my brain. As the technician rolled me from the fetal position back onto my back, all I could muster was “OH MY GOD, ARE YOU FOR REAL?” I can’t remember ever in my life a time where I voluntarily subjected myself to a more EXCRUCIATING pain! Even with the birth of my child, I had nine months to prepare and the nurses kept the Petocin and Demerol cocktails coming. No, this was a different kind of pain! This was an evil, obnoxious, and unnecessary pain. The kind of pain that makes you wonder, “What DOES really happen after you die?” After two more rips, I told her that I was definitely going to kill myself and she swore I was doing just fine. After about five more rips, I sat up and announced I need a 20-second break. I looked down and started to panic when I saw the BLOOD. Another thing I wasn’t prepared for! She assured me that it was very common and tried soothing me with more talk about how it will be soooo much better next time and that this was happening because my pores were closed and used to the Nair. I wanted so desperately to believe her but I couldn’t concentrate on anything other than the fact that she was only about 20% done!

For the next 40 minutes, yes I said forty, I became drenched in sweat as I held the squeeze ball in a death grip while I focused on breathing techniques, suppressing the knee-jerk reaction to kick her at every rip, and thinking of all the reasons I loved my husband enough to be there in the first place. Poor Thing! She was the sweetest girl, really! I don’t hold her personally responsible for my pain. However, at that point she was beginning to resemble the Anti-Christ. My original plan was to go for the whole enchilada and take off everything. But I am sure you can guess by now that my plans had changed. I even mustered up a genuine belly laugh when she asked me if I wanted to TURN OVER!!! I knew she understood when I told her that it would be in neither one of our best interests to pursue that course of action. So I settled for the crooked landing strip in the front with the hairy back. I guess it is sort of like a pelvic mullet. When it was time to leave, she gave me a tube of A&D ointment and urged me to come again with more promises of a better subsequent experience. I told her if my husband was only lukewarm or barely even noticed the difference, I could not see subjecting myself to that torture again. One hour and six minutes later, I emerge into the cool, crisp night on Michigan Avenue. I searched the faces of strangers to see if they noticed any telltale signs of the raging fire in my pants. I barely made it home, because just as I thought, it wasn’t safe to turn a person in my condition loose on the expressway.

When I finally unveiled my “surprise” for my hubby, he didn’t realize that it was NOT my normal Nair job! When I told him the deal, he tried to act excited for all of 2 minutes before he took a good look and grimaced. He said that any pleasure that he could have gotten out of it was taken away when he saw me struggling with the cotton balls, peroxide, ointment and gauze. He felt so bad for me. I must have looked like a burn victim.

The only good part of the whole experience:
As I was going to sleep, my hubby held me close and told me that I didn’t have to go back unless I wanted to for myself. He couldn’t bear the thought of me going through that again. He said he likes it just the way it is and no matter what it used to look like, he still married me. He reminded me to stop trying to be like other people, when I am so great just the way that I am. That’s just one more reason why I love him.

Any hoo, as far as me going back, the jury is still out. I am waiting to see what the results are once I heal. I will keep you posted of course. Right now I am somewhat nauseated by the faint smell of A & D ointment wafting from under my desk. I am not sure I could recommend that someone else do this. I am definitely not flaming the salon. They were great. It’s just that the waxing experience is not the same for everyone. People need to be aware that there is a flipside to it that wasn’t getting written about on this board.

Until next time….."
Whaahahahahaha! I love that story!

That said.....I do my own Brazilian waxes at home! I paid to have it done professionally twice. We're talking $60 per session! So, I found a $4 Brazilian wax kit at Walgreens and tried it. Doing it at home is great. You still get all the perks of the salon treatment: the pain, the awkward positions you have to contort yourself into, and the final product. But there's one great benefit: You can cry all you want without having an audience!

I would love to get a breast augmentation. Nothing major, just something to 'fluff' me up a bit. But I can't justify the expense.

The only things I do/have done are:
Braces for four years during high school
Crest Whitestrips (not great but not bad)
Highlights for my hair
Waxing: Legs, eyebrows, upper lip (who wants to look like Groucho Marx?), that other area.

I want to try microderm abrasion and get Lasik done. Hopefully, those will happen within the next few months.
Funny story about the Brazilian wax and there is a little truth to it.

The truth is that bikini waxes are very painful the first few times. I suppose the skin isn't really ready for it (so there can be some bleeding) and then there's the whole "ripping the hair out by the root" thing. But the more you do it -- the less it hurts. I sorta eased myself into it -- getting regular bikini waxes for a while and then taking off a little more each time until I finally went all the way! Now I can't imagine having hair and it bugs me when I have to miss an appointment. This might sound stupid, but I feel more "clean" without it.

I would say not to jump right into a brazilian :) Try a regular wax a few times. And definitely give yourself a couple of days to heal a bit before expecting to wear a bikini or be seen naked! After a while it isn't an issue ... but the first few times aren't pretty. Also, the person had better be skilled at it. You don't want to be someone's first bikini wax client!

Ha! The bikini wax story had me rolling.

Let's see. I had eye surgery when I was 3 and again at 16 to fix a lazy eye. Does that count? ;-)
I've been coloring my hair since I was 16. Most of the time I do it myself, just cause I'm a cheapo. I also did the home teeth bleaching, but it kills my teeth.

If I could have anything, I'd definitely go for a breast lift and reduction. I've wanted a reduction since I hit puberty. I was a DD, then a DDD, then a FREAKIN F cup when I had my first baby!! Holy cow? Literally. Needless to say, after nursing 3 babies, one of which I'm still nursing, the girls ain't what they used to be and they weren't spectacular to begin with. Now they're just water balloons that look like they sprung a small leak. I am only a D now, thanks to weight loss and exercise, but I'd love to have perky boobs that fit nicely in a bikini top. I should also have a tummy tuck to cut out the excess skin from 3 pregnancies. I'm only 31, but I have that saggy fold over, even on top of my semi six-pack. But...did I mention I was cheap? I'll probably never spend that kind of money on myself for surgery. I'd rather buy clothes and workout stuff. Plus, I'm chicken. So I'll just continue to work with what I've got.
I had back problems from my DDDs and permanent indentations on my shoulders from my bras. These and a few other things, and the fact that they took out over a certain amount of grams (400 is the minimum), allowed my reduction to be covered by insurance. The cost can vary greatly. I researched and some charge up to $30,000!!! Mine was just under $10,000 (total for the whole thing, consultations, doctor, anesthesia, etc.).

I would have paid for it, but I am glad that insurance covered it. My back problems went away while I was still in the hospital!! Best thing I have ever done for myself, but I did put a great deal of time and thought into this decision.

I have a friend who swears by Brazilians.... I am not that courageous. I get the normal bixini waxing, and that is bad enough. I never seem to get the next-time-is-easier benefit, either, so I wonder if that is just a myth they press upon us. Hmm. Anyway, that reminds me that laser hair removal for the bikini area is also on my wish list! But I just can't justify the expense.

And Lisa, I was not starting an argument. We're certainly all entitled to our own opinions.

Wow Jenn! That's fabulous that insurance covered it! And it's wonderful that your back problems went away. :)
I've had braces, a tooth implant and eyebrow/lip waxes. I'm currently undergoing laser hair removal on my legs, underarms and bikini area. It's expensive and not quite as painless as they say but should be worth not having to shave anymore.
Quote: "So I settled for the crooked landing strip in the front with the hairy back. I guess it is sort of like a pelvic mullet."

LMAO!!!! That story was really funny. I've never had a problem with bikini waxes although I've never done the brazilian thing - too close for comfort for me.
I've done the Brazilian thing, but not with waxing. Just with Nair and a good ol' razor! I don't know. I'm not sure I'm ready to get THAT up close and personal with my waxer!
I had breast reduction about 12 years ago. Thankfully, it was covered by my Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP), which viewed it as a medical, not cosmetic, procedure. (No longer the case -- c'est dommage).

Have never regretted it, even though I went down from DD, to a B, then lost 45 lbs and am now barely an A. It's OK with me -- I hate bra's.

Colour my hair red every 6-8 weeks, just because I like red.

Would love to have a tummy-tuck or tummy lipo but can't see spending all that money!

Interestingly, Patricia, your profile says you're male. Did you know that? Where are you in Ontario? I live in Hamilton, work in Oakville.
>The funniest story I have ever read about the experience of
>getting one of these Brazilian Waxes. Someone posted this on
>theknot message boards and I just about died laughing.
>Warning: Do not drink anything while reading this. :) After
>reading this post, I will never ever try this:
>"YOU CAN’T HANDLE THE TRUTH!!!!!! About Brazilian Waxes…

So in other words, your $$$$ has to be exposed, then have her look at your exposed $$$$ and then possibly touch your $$$$, for PAINx( x( x( .....I'll pass.



Oh my gosh! It hurts sooo bad just reading about it. Made me ache! I was laughing my head off at her description of everything. Thanks for sharing!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Debbie! :)

>Oh my gosh! It hurts sooo bad just reading about it. Made me
>ache! I was laughing my head off at her description of
>everything. Thanks for sharing!
>Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother
>If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You

You're welcome Debbie!!!! LOL!! I couldn't stop laughing after I first read this too!!!
Has any one had vaginal tightening, as im really considering having it done after having four large babies and being left with a weak bladder ect?.

That is the funniest story I have ever read. I really need that today. Thanks for sharing. I do not think I would ever try this. I would love to have a tummy tuck maybe in a couple of years.
I'm responging late, but I didn't see any rhion survivors. Yes, I had a rhinoplasty.. it will be five years tomorrow. My DD was about a month old. The hump in my nose is gone, and I would do it again only sooner.

I have been thinking about botox and lipo. I get peels every 6-8 weeks. I've had laser on some stretch marks on my hips that I got with DS.
I don't know if this counts, but only my hairdresser knows for sure the color of my hair. IMHO you are never too old to stop coloring your hair.


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