OK it's confession time

Braces in junior high (if that counts!), and I dye my hair and recently started having it colored and highlighted by my hairdresser instead of botching the job at home. Oh and I also have acrylic nails and am very faithful about getting fills every two weeks (and a new color each time of course!).

I lead such an exciting life ... LOL!!

I got lasic surgery, although it's not really cosmetic, I think it still counts. It's the best thing ever! If you are seriously near sited, it will change your life. Especially for us active girls, who swim, run, bike, step, etc. When I used to go to the pool, I would not be able to recognize people I knew. So, I'm sure people thought I was just the rudest person! Never saying hi and all. Also, you don't have the need for windshield wipers when jogging or biking. It's great!
I was a hippy and went braless and I regret it very much! I have had three children and I would love to have a boob job done. (too much info? sorry, it is what it is) I don't know if I would ever have the nerve. I know someone who had a bad reaction to the implants and suffers from depression and all kinds of ailments from it. Also, it's so pricey. I've heard if you go up to Canada you can get it done for like half price.
All you young people out there make sure you always wear support!
ok, I've had braces and lasik. The lasik was rather expensive ($3400.00) but well worth it. Sometimes I toy with the idea of rhinoplasty because I'm just not that in love with my nose. My DH keeps talking me out of it though.
I WISH I had the money for Botox. That's all I would want, honest! Just to get rid of the furrow in between my eyes. I am ALWAYS frowning even though I'm not trying to. :(

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