Any Admin. Assts. out there?

Hey Shelley - you're from Canada right? On my calendar it says "Admin Ass't Day (USA) maybe that's why you didn't get anything - you're on the wrong side of the border. Of course I am too but my boss is special! So why only in the USA I wonder?:(

Happy Admininstrative Assistants Day to you all!

I have just joined your ranks. About time I got a freaking job! :D

Hopefully, I'll be well prepared to be unappreciated and overworked. Now, I'm off to buy some power suits. (I wonder if I can find Super Power suits, the kind with a cape and tights....hmmm....)
Well, I'm glad you're back. And by the way - I wanna see medieval wedding photos. You're the one who had the extensions to the floor for your medieval themed wedding, yes?
Yep, that was me. I didn't wear the extensions for my divorce though! }( Unfortunately, all of my photos are in storage with the rest of my belongings, so that's a no go. Sorry. :-(

La Lunacat
It's no longer admin day but I did get a chocolate bar from the quant group and a coworker wants to treat me to lunch when "not so busy". THat's it. I didn't even hear from or see my boss!! Oh well. I'm office manager/admin at a 10 people place.

No, no medieval divorce celebration. Though if you're offering to lop off his head, perhaps we should handle the negotiations through PMs! :p
I've worked for my boss for 15 years.

He doesn't believe in "Admin. Assist. Day" He says you don't need a day to treat your assistant well; you should treat her/him well every day.

Normally, I'd call that BS - "he just doesn't want to get me a prezzie", but my boss treats me so good, I don't notice the lack of gifts on this day.

He just got me and my whole family airline tickets to visit our relatives in another state. He does things like that.

He's 1 in a million.
Redeye, that is so sweet! What a nice boss you have!

I totally agree with your boss on not "believ(ing) in "Admin. Assist. Day". He says you don't need a day to treat your assistant well; you should treat her/him well every day." Too bad that other bosses don't follow suit.

Actually I think that all employees should be treated well for a job well done. Of course I'm not just talking about monetary or other gifts, even though that is nice. Kind words and a thank you go a long way.

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