New to board and hoping for rotation advice! Thanks


Hi, this is my first time posting but I've been lurking a bit. I want to do a Cathe rotation right now. I do home dvd workouts on Wed, Sat and Sun and possible Monday. Tuesday and Thursday I do a high/lo class at the gym or workout on elliptical or bike for additional cardio.

I hope to lose approx 15 pounds and get some definition. I have the following workouts right now. Anyone want to recommend a rotation.

- Rhythmic Step
- Maximum Intensity Cardio
- Interval Max
- Step Blast
- Lo Max
- Kick, Punch & Crunch

- Boot Camp
- Muscle Endurance
- Power Hour
- Maximum Intensity Strength
- Slow & Heavy Series - all three



Hi Diane!

I'm not Cathe and so this might be a little like the blind leading the blind, so let me be sure to add a disclaimer here. I am no expert in this field, but willing to help if I can. If I were you and had 15 pounds to lose, this is what I'd do:

1) Eat clean -- for me lo carb works best -- but you will need to find what works best for you -- read, read, and read about diets, and find your own diet that works -- Eat clean means no processed food and definitely no sugar. You might think of sugar as the bad guy.

2) Get and read the book, READY, SET, GO! by Phil Campbell who will give you all the ends and outs of rotations and such so that you become yourself educated and won't need anyone else to tell you what to do.

3) In the meantime realize that to lose weight and get the most benefits from exercise you must work all three different muscle fibers -- the slow twitch and the two fast twitches, and that there are five important parts of exercise that must be a part of your weekly schedule, (anaerobics, cardio, strength, plyometrics and stretching). Take this at your own pace. If you are a seasoned exerciser and have some good cardio behind you, I would recommend 2 days of anaerobics, 2 days of weight work, 1 all cardio day and 1 day of weights plus cardio. The last day for rest and stretch -- rest is important.

From the tapes you have -- depending on your cardio capacity, you might consider:

Mon: IMAX (anaerobics, plyometrics and cardio --works the fast twitch fibers)

Tues: Power Hour (strength -- works the slow twitch fibers)

Wed: Rhythmic Step (all cardio -- pretty much works the slow twitch fibers and gives one cardio endurance)

Thurs: Muscle Endurance (strength -- works slow twitch & some fast twitch fibers, I believe)

Friday: LowMax (anaerobics, plyometrics and some cardio -- works fast twitch fibers)

Saturday: Bootcamp (anaerobics, plyometrics and strength all in one.)

Sunday: off and stretch

But more than anything, because I am no expert, I would highly recommend that you get and read the book, READY, SET, GO! by Phil Campbell. It made all the difference for me. I went from being confused to knowing somewhat what I should be doing. But do remember that anaerobics must be built up to with cardio endurance. If you have not done that, if you are not a seasoned exerciser, please realize that anaerobics -- especially in hot weather -- can be dangerous, as you are taking your heart rate way up there. The IMAX's cater to the seasoned exerciser -- and if aren't there yet, you can get there by doing Cathe's step tapes until you have good cardio endurance. Then tackle the anaerobics. Just my 2 cents.

Hope this helps.:7
Thanks, I wrote downt he name of that book and will get it. ;-) I actually started the whole eating right/getting into shape thing back at the end of the year. Doing gym workouts - mostly classes and then Firm workouts. Now I"m moving into my Cathe workouts. I think I'm gonna print your post so I can refer to it. I am heading to the gym now for an aerobics class. It works easier for my schedule to do the gym 2 - 3 workdays at lunch and then 3 - 4 workouts at home that way I don't feel like I miss too much work or too much evening time with my DH and DS. And the am workouts during the week aren't happening. I already get up at 5:15 and I need allt hesleep I get and already am in bed by 9pm soooooooo that won't be happening anytime soon.

ok, rambling. Thank you for your advice and recommendations.

Hi Diane!

Wow, it looks like you are a seasoned exerciser if you're going to the gym as well as working out at home. So anaerobics will probably fit really well into your workout routine. But it's good to have the basics down -- and that book will do alot toward getting you there.

I, too, worked out with the FIRM for about 2 1/2 years -- and I loved them -- and then I found Cathe. With Cathe I'm discovering real positive body changes -- plus I can go heavier on my weights -- I couldn't go heavy on the FIRM as I kept pulling a muscle in my neck -- I think what was happening is that I didn't have my form down -- and Cathe talks so much form, that you tend to get it right.

Anyway, welcome to the Cathe boards.:) Have some wonderful workouts.

Yea, I definately can lift heavier with Cathe than with the Firm. I am needing/wanting a barbell now of course. ;-) and some heavier dumbbells. ;-)

Anyway, thanks so much for your thoughts. ;-) :7

I'm looking into barbells, too. In the meantime, I bought a heavier body bar and am loving it. Will probably need to go heavier a little ways down the line -- but am fine for right now.

Have a good one.:7
I've been using my 8 pound firm sculpting stick with ankle weigths wrapped around it! It's a pain though but for now it suffices.

In amonth or two I'll get a barbell. Just bought shoes and then soccer class and cleats for DS and our beach pass and his swimming fees will be in amonth. Whwe.

But I found at Dicks Sports Goods a Barbell KIT for $25 that goes to 100pounds. I don't need 100 pounds but for $25 it seemed like a deal and something I cna afford sooner rather than later.

Just thought I'd share. ;-)

Wow! You are so clever!:) I would have never thought to add ankle weights to the Firm 8 lb. bar. I have that bar, too. I just recently went up to a 15 lb. bar -- got it for about $25.00 at a Sports store here -- can't remember the name.

That's so cool that you got your son those things, though. Kids definitely come first. Mine are grown, so I can spend a little more on me and DH -- or at least that's my excuse.;-)

We don't have a Dick's Sports here, so I'll keep looking around -- but it sounds like a really good deal.

I'm going to try the ankle weights on the bar -- what a good idea.:7

Thanks for sharing. Have a good one.:7

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