Mini Skirts After Age 35


I was reading on another board that women over the age of 35 should never wear mini shirts. I wear tennis skirts and "skorts" all the time and I am 44.

What do you guys think? Are we older gals too old to wear short skirts?

Are you kidding me? OK I'm 37 & there ain't no way I'm wearing a skirt BELOW the knee! For pete's sake! I have better legs than most 25 year olds, why should I hide them?

Which board was this anyway? "Pat Robertson Sounds Off?"
LOL! Maximus! Pat Robertson Sounds Off... hilarious!

I agree - it shouldn't matter how old you are, but how young, fit and confident you LOOK. I think MOST 44-year-olds shouldn't be wearing miniskirts, not because of their age, but because they're overweight from too much McDonald's and not enough exercise. I think women who are in great shape should show off what they've worked so hard to achieve, regardless of age. :)
You know, I get a lot of flack for wearing short - shorts, but like you said, my legs look better than most girls in their 20's. I don't wear mini skirts by choice, but if I find a cute little dress and it's on the shorter side I will wear it! Of course, variety is key so I have different lengths for different moods!

BTW, NONE of my girlfriends where short-shorts! They say, "Only Traci would wear those"....but hey, if I'm putting the time in to work my legs out, why should I cover them up!

I'm 38!
I'm mixed on this one - tennis skirts and skorts are "specific" apparel, so are exempt. We're them till your 80!!
I do also believe that if you've got it, flaunt it. However, with that said, I also believe there is a point when you start to look silly and sometimes even tacky. There is nothing that looks worse than a 40-something woman walking around trying to look like she's 20- something (super short skirts, belly baring tops, etc). There is a point when you should let go and embrace your maturity, and dress appealingly "age appropriate". I don't mean dowdy, I just mean don't try to look like your teenage daughter.
I'm 33 and I feel young. :) I say if it looks good then wear it. Agreed that work may not be the best place but that would go for all ages.

I don't feel there is an age cap on miniskirts as long as you can pull off the look. ;-)

If you have legs for it...GO FOR IT!!! :7

I don't mind in the least seeing an 'older' gal in a mini skirt or short long as it still is attractive, meaning their legs are fit and not all jiggly.

What I don't like to see is any female in really short shorts with her butt cheeks hanging out. That is just gross no matter how fit the person is. x( x( x( x(

Oh and I've never become a fan of the belly shirts. I mean really! I get so sick of seeing the young girls in church with their bellies hanging out, fit or not, it belongs on the beach not in church. And now this new 'fad' to wear the mens white muscle shirts with no bras so all of their breasts are visible through the shirts??? Is there no shame or modesty being taught to girls these days?

Well I could go on and on about the degradation of our youth, but I'll shut up now.
I am 45 and yes I wear mini skirts! I have gret legs and want to show them... say do what feels good for you!@

I think everyone needs to be their own judge on how comfortable they feel wearing something.

I'm 43 and think my legs are my best body part, but I don't wear mini skirts anymore. I still have one or two, but for the past two years or so, every time I put one on, I just don't think it looks right on me anymore. I wear short shorts and bikinis but there's something about a mini skirt that makes me feel like I'm trying too hard. Kind of like wearing the latest trend in the Juniors department. At 43, it just doesn't look right on me.
> And now this new 'fad' to wear the mens
>white muscle shirts with no bras so all of their breasts are
>visible through the shirts??? Is there no shame or modesty
>being taught to girls these days?
>Well I could go on and on about the degradation of our youth,
>but I'll shut up now.

Ewww! Are you serious? I haven't seen that fad yet, and I hope I don't any time soon.

And about the mini skirts, it doesn't matter how old you are as long as they're not so short you can see too much. I agree with the other poster who said some mini skirts can look trashy no matter how old/young you are.

At our wedding, it was funny because DH told me that a few of the groomsmen kept commenting on how tacky this woman looked because her dress was way too short. They kept joking about it. I didn't hear any women talking/complaining about it but the men. The woman was actually in good shape too. They just thought the length of the dress was very tacky. Interesting!!
Maybe no miniskirts for me (not an age-related choice, just a personal one)but definitely no Bermuda shorts for me. Give me shorts that aren't too short but not too long either. I haven't done all those plie squats for nothing!!

Thank goodness Tina Turner didn't read that article. I say wear what you feel good in. I'm 32 and plan on dressing in whatever makes me feel good always. Coleen
>At our wedding, it was funny because DH told me that a few of
>the groomsmen kept commenting on how tacky this woman looked
>because her dress was way too short. They kept joking about
>it. I didn't hear any women talking/complaining about it but
>the men. The woman was actually in good shape too. They just
>thought the length of the dress was very tacky.
If they were commenting on how tacky she looked in a mini, that means that they were loving it! :p That is what my hubby does to conceal how he really feels. Case in point, "Britney Spears should cover up her stomach" (yeah, right!), "Pamela Anderson shouldn't wear those tight shirts, they look trashy" (sure!), or "Carmen Electra really should put more clothes on" (because she is so ugly?......). Men are so silly. They just don't want us to think that they are hot.
I'm 39 and wear minis and short-shorts depending on where I'm going. I figure if I feel good and look good, why not.

I'm 45 and I wear whatever I please. I tend to favor long skirts (just my style), but I do wear mini skirts also and (gasp) low cut jeans and pants. I shop in the Juniors dept. as I hate Misses clothes. I'll probably continue to do this for a long time. I can't see myself dressing much differently in the future. I basically dress for comfort. I think age is just a number and the more you workout, the more you don't look your age!!!
Define "mini"! ;-)

I am 48 and I wear short skirts because I feel like they look fine on me. However, I draw the line at too short. I have a rule, I won't wear a skirt any shorter than fingertip length. For me, that means about 15 or 16 inches long. This would, of course, vary for each individual, but I have long legs and long arms, so it works out pretty well.
Many people think no mini's after 30. I think if your legs are fabulous, then go for it, in a tasteful way. Sometimes a mini screams, I am trying to look younger.

I think one of the main reasons why mini's aren't appropriate at a certain age is because the knees start to look wrinkly and not as toned as they were in one's youth.

I think skirts that hit the knee or slightly above the knee are very flattering and still look sexy.


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