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  1. P

    Vacuum cleaner for hardwood floors?

    I have a Shark, and I love it because it has strong suction, and it's lightweight. However, I don't have cats so I don't know if it would work as well for you. HTH Pamela
  2. P

    Daily check-in Tue 28 March

    Hi again, Oh my is all I can say about BodyMax. That was tough! I started with the 8inch step, but about 20 min in I dropped down to 6. After about 30 min, I had to remove some of the power, and somewhere during the 3rd set of pushups I had to drop to my knees, but I completed it, and I...
  3. P

    Daily check-in Tue 28 March

    Happy Birthday Shelley! Have a wonderful day. Congratulations Dutchie! Enjoy your high today. :) Hi Tammy, enjoy Circuit Max. Hello all who follow! Today is Body Max. Have a great day everyone, Pamela
  4. P


    That's wonderful! I didn't post on the earlier thread because it was so late by the time I saw it, but I did want you to know you all were in my thoughts and prayers. Pamela
  5. P

    Daily check-in Mon 27 March

    Hello everyone, I thought I posted earlier, but since it's not here I must not have pressed post. I didn't feel up to working out today. As Sandra mentioned, we just finished the November rotation yesterday. I attempted Step Works on an 8inch step, kept up with it for 25 minutes, lowered...
  6. P

    Daily Check-in Sun March 26

    Hello everyone! Carole, I'm so sorry to hear about your dog. My heart goes out to you and your DH as you grieve and heal. Thanks for your input on pilates. I think I will try the 20min Winsor Pilates beginner disc tonight after dinner. (My sister gave it to me along with the fat burner...
  7. P

    Daily Check-In - March 24/06

    Good morning, Robyn, I'm sending positive vibes and many prayers to your son. On the positive side, it's great that he was coherent so soon after a grand mal seizure. My dad wasn't coherent for hours after his last grand mal, and it took a year to get the meds right and for him to regain...
  8. P

    Happy Birthday Nancy!!

    Happy Birthday! :) Pamela
  9. P

    Happy Birthday Kali!

    Happy Birthday! :) Pamela
  10. P

    Daily Check-In - March 23/06

    Okay, Legs & Glutes and CTX upperbody are done. I'm trying to dig deep to make myself hop on the treadmill. HELP!!! :) Sandra, I wish I had viewed your post before I started. Maybe Bodymax would have been better for me too! Annette and Teddygirl good luck with those interviews...
  11. P

    Daily Check-In - March 23/06

    Good morning everyone, Robyn, glad your new job is going so well! I'm so sorry about your daughter's classmate. What a tragedy. Wendy, I hope you make it to your spinning class! Have fun with your visit Shelley (and PH ;))! Shannon, have fun with IMAX. Tammy, I haven't tried...
  12. P

    Daily Check-In - March 22/06

    Good morning everyone, Today is a scheduled rest day, but if I don't get back from court too late, I'm going to do a short run on the treadmill with cc#2 or 3. Gotta run! Have a great day everyone! Pamela
  13. P

    Check out my new suit!

    Looks great! (you and the suit :)) Have fun at the beach! :) Pamela
  14. P

    Daily check-in Tue 21 March

    Hi again, IMAX 1 is done!!! I started with the eight inch step, but about halfway through the warmup I realized I wasn't going to complete it at that height tonight ;). I ended up doing it on a six inch step. What's weird is it didn't feel as hard as I thought it would (don't get me wrong...
  15. P

    Daily check-in Tue 21 March

    Hi everyone, I had to report for jury duty today at 7:45am so I haven't even started my workout yet. It is now 7:09p.m., and I just got home 5 minutes ago. I have to report back tomorrow at 10:30pm. I can't believe it! I have no problems serving, but I've already spent $1560 on...
  16. P

    I Have Met the Enemy...

    Me too Michelle. Giada is definitely my favorite Food Network chef right now. My kids love the lemon spaghetti (I use tomato paste instead of the olive oil, and whole wheat angel hair instead of spaghetti, but the lemon is what really adds kick to the pasta). Also,DH and I enjoyed her chicken...
  17. P

    Daily Check-in - Monday 3-20

    Good morning Jane, Wendy, Tammy and all who follow. Jane glad you enjoyed your rest day, and Wendy, I hope you enjoy yours today. Tammy, enjoy KPC today. Today is supersets, but I think I might also add a short run -- maybe CC#3 (I like the sprints :)). Although I stayed within my...
  18. P

    Daily Check-In - Sun. March 19/06

    Hi all, Today was Step Blast. I like the way you "remixed" it Sandra. The original order seems to just build the intensity until you're ready to collapse at the end. (A good collapse :)) I really enjoy that one, but it definitely takes my breath away by the time I get to the blasts. I...
  19. P

    Daily check-in Sat March 18

    Hi everyone, Today was a 40min run (3.5miles). I did CC#3, but it was too short so I tacked on a 10min steady state run at the end. Fun! Also, as Sandra mentioned, CoreMax#3, which was surprisingly more doable than the other two segments (Maybe it's because I used a 3lb ball and an 8lb...
  20. P

    Daily Check-in TGIF!!!! March 17

    Hello and Happy Friday everyone! Sandra, yes, today was my first time doing IMAX2. It was fun, but I did have to modify interval 9. I couldn't get the step routine, and I couldn't do all the plie jacks. Some of them were just plies for me. :+ Also, my ski jump tucks weren't anywhere near...