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  1. Connie1

    DH coming home soon

    Choked up with joy for you both!
  2. Connie1

    I HATE shopping!!!

    Jillie, I have that same figure as you. Curvy!! Small waist, bigger hips. Yes, those all-one-piece dresses are not made ready-to-wear for us. Back in the day when most women sewed, we could make our own dresses. No matter what your figure (within reason) you could look very sharp, because...
  3. Connie1

    Concentration Problems

    The thing that works for me is making changes to my expectations of myself. Reducing the number of tasks I have per week. This sometimes takes a while to work. But I keep at it until things are pared down. Sometimes I have to give up things that I love, but it's for other things that I love...
  4. Connie1

    Concentration Problems

    The thing that works for me is making changes to my expectations of myself. Reducing the number of tasks I have per week. This sometimes takes a while to work. But I keep at it until things are pared down. Sometimes I have to give up things that I love, but it's for other things that I love...
  5. Connie1

    picture taking hints

    I took excellent flattering pictures of people outside near sunset with a flash.
  6. Connie1

    picture taking hints

    Lighting is very important. Make sure to have 2 sources of light.
  7. Connie1

    Update 3/15/06

    Cathe, I have not posted much due to lots of things going on in my own life, but I have been following your progress through this injury. I want you to know my prayers are with you. Everything happens for a reason, although bad things are nothing to celebrate. I know your future is bright...
  8. Connie1

    Isn't This a Neat Idea?

    True, true.
  9. Connie1

    Isn't This a Neat Idea?

    Wow, Becki, they are notdated as far as moves go. The clothing maybe.Even the music is lots of the originals of what we hear remixed today. The moves are challenging in Step Fit, Power Max, Step Heat, and all the "older" ones.
  10. Connie1

    Magic number game : am I this out of touch?

    Hints: 60 is 5, 5 is 4, and 4 is the magic number. 4 is the magic number because 4 is 4. 9 is 4.
  11. Connie1

    Magic number game : am I this out of touch?

    I figured it out!!! (Should I tell?)
  12. Connie1

    getting definition

    Focus on diet. You do some cardio each week too, right? Also, do not add anything if it puts your life out of balance. Get plenty of sleep and really, really watch unplanned intake. You probably know what to do. Just realize that there are some times each day when it's OK to feel like you...
  13. Connie1

    Fave Fitness/Figure Model

    Margaret Diubaldo also. I just (in Sept '05) got my hair cut like hers. She is great looking! BTW I love having short hair. It's really easy and suits me. Earrings always show!
  14. Connie1

    ? For those of you who take a rest WEEK

    I'm taking a rest year, but I wouldn't recommend it to others.
  15. Connie1

    Boyfriend says my workouts are easy!!!

  16. Connie1

    Books on diet & nutrition

    I have read a few. Some of the good ones were: Body for Life by Bill Phillips, Life is Hard, Food is Easy by Linda Spangle. I have read several others, too, but these made the biggest impact on me. Another one I read was The Makers Diet. I learned a bit about organics from that one. The...
  17. Connie1

    Why are Journals so expensive???

    They don't collect money from advertisers.
  18. Connie1

    Which Step to buy.

    Hey thanks Tia. -C.
  19. Connie1

    Core work? oh brother! *grunting w/disgust* Any helpful tips for me?? r/o

    RE: Core work? oh brother! *grunting w/disgust* Any hel... The "easier" core work I did before I found Cathe was the Firm Volume 1 with Susan Harris. It is a circuit workout and is now dated but it's still a challenging workout compared to most. It is now referred to as one of the Firm...
  20. Connie1

    Which Step to buy.

    I have a concern... I have the full-size step, but now we have a piece of furniture in the room where I exercise. It is just too tight around the step to maneuver comfortably. Furthermore I was never able to enjoy Step/Intervals (or is it 10-10-10) and another one where you grapevine away...