DH coming home soon

Diane Sue, this is such great news! Both you and your DH are such great people, so giving and selfless. I'm thankful for your service...both of you!

Diane Sue,

I admire your unselfishness in allowing such a long time of aloneness to pass between you and your husband so that he can do what was important to him. Just the idea of being without my DH for such a long period of time makes me sad. I'm sure this experience has added to your personal growth and his and solidified your relationship even more than it was already.

I'm very happy for you!
Oh I love deployment reunions if anything it makes the relationship feel like something new all over again.

I'm sure your family support group from the base has given pointers for when they come home just be very supportive of him and give him time to get back to the 'world' congrats to you :)
Diane Sue and Bill, your love and respect for each other is obvious and very touching. I felt all soft hearted reading the replies to Diane Sue but choked right up when I read your reply Bill. Love really does conquer all! You are so lucky to have each other and the beauty is that you both truly appreciate what you have. God Bless you both!

Take Care
Oh, cheez! I wish I could meet both of you - it would be an honor.

"It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt." Mark Twain ;-)
That is great and exciting news. And from looking at your picture he has a great homecoming in store. Hubba hubba!!!
Diane Sue, I'm so happy for you both! I know it has been a long year without each other.
Susan C.M.

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