Core work? oh brother! *grunting w/disgust* Any helpful tips for me?? r/o


Well, I've discovered yet another area that my fit "looking" physique is lacking in: Core strength. x(

How is it that I can appear to be so "fit", yet in reality, I seem not to be? First, I found that I lacked any endurance what-so-ever (Step is really helping me out there now!), and now I learn that I don't have any control over my core. I didn't even know what a core was, until Cathe. lol

I've tried only doing the easy "modification", and I can barely make it through. Forget the supine position--my hands don't want to bend that way-- let alone, the rest of me. :p

- How do I get started here? I'm not doing well with the core segment in the Slow & Heavy dvd. Is there a "beginner Core work" Cathe dvd? Or is her "Core dvd" an advanced one?

I really feel like skipping over that core segment, but the anal side of me won't allow it. lol

have you tried core work from other videos?? the only thing i can really say is continue to work the core maybe getting core max and work with the first segment until you start building up your strength then try the second one(watch out for the pikes,but at least try). the only way to get stronger is to really work at. even if you can't complete all the reps just doing as much as you can and giving it all your will help


When they discover the center of the universe, a lot of people will be
disappointed to discover they are not it -- Bernard Bailey

Ok, so you think that Core MAx's 1st segment might be easier than the segment from the S&H dvd? Then, I'll get it! :)

I think it's going to be a long long time before I'm ready for pikes, though. LOL *taking really tiny baby steps*
>Ok, so you think that Core MAx's 1st segment might be easier
>than the segment from the S&H dvd? Then, I'll get it! :)

I think the S&H segment is easier because it's shorter and it doesn't have those levitation holds and hip lifts. I'm not saying that the S&H segment isn't a good workout because it IS, and it's actually one of my favorite ab segments in Cathe's older workouts. I usually pair it with the ab workout in PH so I could get more oblique work.

The first segment in CM is the easiest in the CM dvd, IMHO, because it doesn't have pikes and you don't work with extra weight (the med ball) for added resistance. But it's long and you have to have the endurance to get through it.

Yes, baby steps. I couldn't do those pikes either. It took a LONG time before I got to that point. Good luck.:)

How about a NON Cathe "Core 101 for Dummies" type dvd? lol Is there one?

Not to switch subjects, but I'd love to find a good "Stretch" dvd. Any recs for that type too?

thanks much!
maybe some tamilee webb. she has a few shorter ab workouts. i like "tighter assets" but that really works for obliques but i haven't tried "i want those abs". or pilates might be good. they have a ton of beginner pilates but maybe caribbean pilates or pilates for dummies.

as for a good stretch. cathe's stretch-max, karen voight's pure and simple stretch are ones i have done. other then that i usually do yoga.


When they discover the center of the universe, a lot of people will be
disappointed to discover they are not it -- Bernard Bailey
RE: Core work? oh brother! *grunting w/disgust* Any hel...

The "easier" core work I did before I found Cathe was the Firm Volume 1 with Susan Harris. It is a circuit workout and is now dated but it's still a challenging workout compared to most. It is now referred to as one of the Firm Classics. It was the first one made.

Volumes 2 and 3 also have great core sections.

Just like doing 20 push-ups on your toes, no one is going to just jump right in and do it without weeks of practice. Set attainable goals and plod along. You will reap the benefits of that.

Keep your torso tall in daily activities, too. You will notice a significant improvement within 3 weeks. Be patient with yourself.
You could try incorporating some pilates into your routine. I resisted core training for a long time (being from the Schwarzenegger school of working out it all seemed very silly to me). Then I had 3 pilates sessions at my gym & really enjoyed them.

So I bought a bunch of home workouts & have been doing it once a week, & I have to say I'm amazed at the results. I never realized there were muscles under my abs & lats! :eek: And even though pilates seems really easy compared to weight training, it definitely has more of an effect on the core.

The best part about it is it's improved other aspects of my workouts. When you become more conscious of your core you can really concentrate on using it during other routines--when I do exercises like squats & pullups I can actually feel my core pushing the weight--I have no idea how but it really does work.
Are there a lot of planks? I haven't done S&H for a while, so I forget.

If so, just hold each plank as long as you can with good form (and don't give up too easily: if you start to feel your form slipping, try "tightening your corset" and holding on a bit longer), then drop to knees, and come back up to finish the set.

You could also practice planks separate from a workout. Set a timer (or do this during commercial breaks): get into plank (on elbows and toes), hold as long as you can, break when needed, and return to plank, continuing with breaks and plank until the time is up, or commercials are done. Each time, try to go longer before dropping down to knees.
I would definatly recommend Pilates. You could get a beginer tape and go from there. I have found Cathe uses alot of similiar or same core workouts as Pilates. Good Luck- Deanie:)
oh no! lol I think I was using the wrong lingo here. Instead of "Core", what I realize I meant now *THANKS Kathryn!!!* was "PLANKS". That's what I can't do. Yeah, Cathe has a Plank segment at the end of the S&H "Chest & Back" segment. So, "planks" are the thing where you are on the floor, up on your hands with arms stiff, and trying to keep your body straight, all the way down to your toes. right? So, "planks" is the exercise. Got it now! thanks!

So, what is "core" then? That's the new word for abs? or just a word for that entire "trunk of the body" area? I'm confused now. :+

I can do "crunches" just fine. No problems there. But the "planks" thing is just killing me. I'll keep trying though. I can't even fathom doing the planks off the stability ball. I have enough problem trying these things on the floor. lol

Thanks for the tips, everyone! I even have a set of 4 Pilates vhs tapes, and I never even looked at them. They've been in my closet for over a year+. Time to give them a look!
core is pretty much the trunk area including abs,obliques, and lower back.


When they discover the center of the universe, a lot of people will be
disappointed to discover they are not it -- Bernard Bailey
>So, what is "core" then? That's the new word for abs? or just
>a word for that entire "trunk of the body" area? I'm confused
>now. :+

The most used definition (and what Cathe refers to by "core"): abdminals, obliques and lower back, but some use "core" to refer to pretty much anything that isn't arms and legs, including the pelvis and shoulder girdle.

"Planks" work your total core.
Laura Max, What Pilates tapes you favor?? I would love to incude pilates in my routine but looking for the best workouts.
Core muscles also include muscles underneath your abs & obliques--transverse abdominals, which run kind of diagonally like a V under your abs, & internal obliques.

I would recommend for beginners the Rael system--you can get his series of 3 on for about $13. There's Rael 7, 17 & 27 (basically the beginner dvd has 7 exercises, the intermediate 17 exercises, & the advanced 27 exercises). Also Moira Stott has some good, easy to follow workouts. When you feel advanced enough, go for the MTV pilates mix--it's very creative & fun, & it's probably the best core workout I've ever done.

Good luck! :)

I would like to hear your opinion about Windsor's series. Hers are the only Pilates dvds I have. But everytime I did it, I felt like I would like to fall asleep.



"Become the change you want to see in the world. Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever." - Mahatma Gandhi

I too have the Windsor's! I haven't even opened them yet, and I've had them over 1 yr and a half.

Are they any good?

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