Fave Fitness/Figure Model


Do you have one? Who is it?

Mine is Margaret Diubaldo, for a few reasons.

1. She's Canadian:)
2. She has the most spectacular abs EVER.
3. She is different from the norm. She's more tomboyish and athletic looking, I think. Maybe it's because of her short, dark hair.
WOW! yes, Monica Brant is my absolute favorite! She is the reason I got serious about working out. Wish I could look just a little like her. Why in the world is she not winning every figure competition she enters? She's always 2nd or 3rd. I want to have a word with those judges! I have ordered her book from Amazon but haven't received it yet, so can't give you a review. I'm sure I'd be happy even if it was written in another language since there will be photos!
Mine is Davana Medina. I have her posted in my wo room becaue that's how I want to look. The picture is of her off season. Her legs are strong and muscular but still very feminine and she has a very feminine shape. I really don't like the look of a 6 pack on women (I am aiming for a 2 pack at the top) although I totally salute any woman who has one!!!!! She is very curvy and womanly and that's how I want to look.
I also like Monica Bryant and Jenny Lynn.
Oh my...I have a lot of favorites. Mine is Fitnessfreak366:) then Jenny Lynn and Monica Brant-Peckham. Monica used to be my favorite, but after reading a couple of articles on Jenny Lynn and finding her so down to earth I had to move her to the top of my list.

Yeah, I like Elaine Goodland as well. She has a very feminine physique too. I love that she is over 40!! She's got a great article of her favorite exercises in this month's Oxygen.
I think Carole (McMain) should be one. Very inspirational and what a fitness level. Would make me feel ashamed but she is so darn nice too.
Mine is definitely Monica Brant-Peckham! She looks amazing and I also can't believe she isn't placing #1 in every competition she enters! She resides in the same city as I do, now and I hear she will be opening a gym here soon. She will also be doing a book signing soon and I plan to go and hopefully meet her and take pics! :7

A close second is Davana Medina as I feel her body is something I can actually aspire to.
>I think Carole (McMain) should be one. Very inspirational and
>what a fitness level. Would make me feel ashamed but she is
>so darn nice too.

Aw Kate...:+ :) ...truly sweet you are. You know my inspiration way back was always Cory Everson....I sure wanted her legs...!!!...:)...Carole
> You know my
>inspiration way back was always Cory Everson

I thought of the older inspirations at first too;) like Cory Everson and Carla Dunlap.............and do you remember Bev Francis also from way back who revolutionized women's fitness and made it okay for women to have real muscles and definition (was it "Pumping Iron II the women???"):)

Okay, it's official, I'm an idiot:+ I have to admit that the only name I knew on this entire thread was Cory Everson! I googled a few of them and my mouth is still hanging open. Margaret Diubaldo has an amazing physique, love the long and lean atheletic look of her. They are all inspiring but Maggie gets my vote for sentimental reasons, she's a fellow Canuck!

With all of this inspiration, I'd better get my a$$ out of the computer chair and go for the perspiration.:)

Take Care
Robin..Bev Francis sounds familiar...I'll have to Google her..:)

Laurie...you make me laugh! The only reason I mentioned Cory, because she wrote the first weightlifting book I ever read. I think I have one with Rachel Maclish (sp) too...I always thought she was so pretty and feminine even with muscles...:)...Carole
Linda Hamilton is definitely not a model, but I just loved her look in the Terminator movies!
Glad to make you smile Carole:) I remember Rachel McLish, she looked so beautiful, not too bulky and so beautifully cut! They just ran the documentary 'Supersize She' here again.....blechhhhh, not attractive IMHO, I much prefer the leaner cut look in a female.

Take Care
Margaret Diubaldo also. I just (in Sept '05) got my hair cut like hers. She is great looking!

BTW I love having short hair. It's really easy and suits me. Earrings always show!
I am inspired by Cathe Friedrich because she is petite like me and is very small-boned like me. Also, the shape of her legs reminds me a bit of mine. Tall, Amazon ladies don't inspire me because I know I can't ever look like that. But when I first saw Cathe, I got excited! I thought, hey, maybe that could be me someday! True, there are significant differences between us, but I just focus on the similarities and it really inspires me.

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