Hi Gina, That is a toughie, by definition anxiety breaks through concentration with 'pain or uneasiness of mind respecting some event future or uncertain'. That uncertainty gives the mind infinite variables to ruminate through. It took me years to control my anxiety, I was given an herbal remedy called 'Rescue Remedy' and it did help me some. I wish I knew more details about the remedy but I'm sure it still out there on the market somewhere.
Little rituals can help to retrain the mind and condition the senses to focus on something more tangible than the incessant chatter of the anxious mind. Perhaps keeping a bottle of a calming essential oil handy might help, say chamomile or lavendar. When you feel anxious put a few drops on a tissue and wave it through the air, sit quietly taking slow full breaths and with intent, tell yourself, 'I am peace' or a simple phrase that fits right for you. It may feel silly or contrived at first but it's the seed of ritual and conditioning that you want to plant and cultivate so that your mind can connect calm with something more tangible.
I used to get so frustrated with people telling me to practise deep, or diaphragmatic breathing when anxiety shattered my days and nights. With practise and, again, intent it's a very powerful thing, beautiful in it's simplicity.
I wish you peace Gina, anxiety is a horrible thing, I used to feel so guilty about my anxiety because it distracted me from my Kids and the people who love and wanted to help me. This directionless storm from within can be quelled, slowly and surely. I was prescribed a few different 'Mother's little helpers' when I went through this and they made it worse, not only was I anxious but I was thick in the head and walking into walls. I hope that this statement doesn't sound trite or trivial but I know it helped me gain some control over anxiety, 'just because you think it doesn't mean that you have to feel it.' All the best to you Gina, you are in my thoughts.
Take Care