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  1. X

    Just want to Rant, Feeling Nervous of SSI

    you receive a government handout on the taxpayers backs, spend money on eating out and dvds and you think its unfair that they might decide that you have enough disposable income to pay for your own daughter? and you think that would be unjust in some way? unbelievable
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    Supersets & Push/Pull

    i love both these workouts, i have to imagine they may be less than popular because lots of people dont have stabilty balls and dont want to get them
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    Advice please

    contrarian 2 cents: you married a man you KNEW upfront definitely wanted children and now he wants them and you don't want to provide them? what a cruel thing to do to another person--basically seems to me like he married you under false pretenses. i hope you are not surprized when...
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    Low Max Premixes?

    yes it does 44 minutes with W/U and stretch i believe
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    Antidepressants: These drugs are a JOKE!! (ok, rant too)

    im sure my answer will be unpopular, but here goes... why are you second guessing what you seem to want to do and listening so hard to what other people think and comparing yourself to strangers? there are people who do not believe in all this modern "depression". they believe its...
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    Did anyone see Oprah yesterday?

    clare , perhaps as a european you do not know how the united states government is constituted. we are a federal republic of states, with the individual state governments primarily responsible for the governance of those states, the federal government is a secondary source of funding for...
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    Did anyone see Oprah yesterday?

    dave you are impressed that castro, a tyrant who has amassed a huge personal fortune on the backs of his broken and oppressed population, offers help to the US??? do you think thats nice normal taxpayer money collected in an orderly fashion from the nice paychecks his hardworking people get...
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    Did anyone see Oprah yesterday?

    how could anyone even speculate that the mayhem in NO could represent what "we are as a country"?? 75% of the residents of NO got out without looting and murder, in an orderly fashion as directed. the people that were left were government dependant projects dwellers on whom the state of...
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    segments skip and repeat?

    not cathe here but, sounds like you have to clean your dvd player's "eye". get a dvd/cd player kit at radio shack, and gently wipe off your dvd's everytime you put them in, and never leave your tray open good luck dana
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    Whole Body Cleanse

    these "cleansers" are nothing but extremely harsh natural laxatives, the main ingredient in most of them seem to be psyllium and senna. your body cleans itself perfectly well, you have a liver and kidneys. whenever you see the word "toxins" you are being sold snake oil--its a game as old as...
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    ebay seller 3801

    they can only get away with this because they set the reserve ridiculously high, then do their actual sales off-ebay. anyone who buys from them off-ebay is breaking ebays rules as much as 3801 and forfeiting ebays protections. don't buy off-ebay thats the key
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    Cathe makes me hungry!

    me too! im hungry all the time and have actually gained weight since i started working out with her, and it ain't lean muscle weight i start each day determenied to stick to a certain # of calories and by night ive blown it, but never by too far outside my maintenance range its weird...
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    Doctor in trouble for calling patient obese

    RE: Lawsuit? you are right, she just filed a complaint let me amend my comment--if the board takes action against him ill worry, otherwise she is just abusing the disciplinary system to assuage her hurt feelings
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    Doctor in trouble for calling patient obese

    the patient can file charges til she's blue in the face, just means she has bad character and a tendency to abuse systems--i'll be upset if she WINS
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    Help ebay threatening message

    its a scam but to double check sign in to ebay and go to "my ebay" you have a place for "messages" there any REAL ebay email sent to you will also be there
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    Cathe's Oops vids-have any?

    do they mean Out Of Print? (OOP)
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    TV Series "Starved" - Take action now.

    RE: TV Series candi, you are right that no one is "telling people not to watch the show"--someone is trying to stop the show from existing so that no one can have the choice whether to watch it, on the sole basis that it offends THEIR little pet cause. the initial post that sparked this...
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    i mix in bss3 total muscle shaping(TMS) and express cardio(EC) and bss1 addons cardio sculpt blaster and super cardio sculpt as my easy days and do all my cathe on my firm box from bss3 TMS and EC are both stephanie huckabee and i really like her choreography the best, it was getting and...
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    TV Series "Starved" - Take action now.

    RE: TV Series i can't even imagine the insufferable arrogance that makes someone think its up to them to decide what "belongs" in entertainment--turn it off if you dont like it
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    How Has Anyone

    you may want to repost this in the "open discussion" thread--this is really more the thread where people try to ask cathe direct questions that being said--i smoked a pack of kools daily for 18 years, 6 months after i turned 30 my throat felt weird and i got secretly scared, brought cigs...