How Has Anyone


Quite smoking...

I have been a smoker for 10 years...Don't get me wrong, I'm healthy in every other aspect of my life...Exercise 6 days a week, eat clean, take supplements, etc...

I've cut down to 2 a day...When I take the dog for a walk in the morning, and when I get home from work (sometimes 2 in the afternoon, sometimes 8 at night)...Yes, a pack last me 10 days (I have to keep it in the freezer)...I think that the last 2 are more of a mental thing than anything...

MJ in MN
you may want to repost this in the "open discussion" thread--this is really more the thread where people try to ask cathe direct questions

that being said--i smoked a pack of kools daily for 18 years, 6 months after i turned 30 my throat felt weird and i got secretly scared, brought cigs to work one day, didnt smoke--never smoked again, 5 years now

im not preachy about its the best thing i ever did
Hey MJ- been there, done that. I'll be happy to post an answer if you ask this in the open discussion forum. Don't want to bother Cathe with this sort of thing.

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