TV Series "Starved" - Take action now.

RE: TV Series

Is this a reality series? I saw it, and it doesn't look like a reality show to me. It's pretty funny in a stupid and sick sort of way, and poorly acted.

RE: TV Series

I really have a problem with censorship. Why should FX remove this show from their lineup? It is fiction, not reality. If you don't like it, don't watch it.

RE: TV Series

>Is this a reality series? I saw it, and it doesn't look like
>a reality show to me. It's pretty funny in a stupid and sick
>sort of way, and poorly

No, it's not a reality show, it's a parody of one.
RE: TV Series

i can't even imagine the insufferable arrogance that makes someone think its up to them to decide what "belongs" in entertainment--turn it off if you dont like it
RE: TV Series

I personally have an eating disorder and find it rather funny. It is kind of nice to see that life has problems why not try to make them a little lighter?Just my thoought, please don't bash me for it :)
RE: TV Series

I agree with you. Mental illness does not belong in entertainment. Nor does cancer. I cannot believe the "arrogance" of "entertainers" who think it would be amusing to parody sickness and disease and real people's suffering. How would we feel if this show targeted race instead of eating disorders. This nation would be up in arms.

I am constantly stunned and appalled at what passes as suitable behaviour in the US because it is declared as someone's "freedom of choice" or "entitlement to the pursuit of happiness".

Bottom line is: we need ethics in our lives. Ethics is not censorship. It is the realization that money and happiness and entertainment for some should not be made at the expense of others.

Thank god I do not have television. This is further incentive to never watch it or risk my daughters possibly watching it.

RE: TV Series

I actually found it humorous too, although a bit gross. I won't seek it out to watch, but I happened to see it when it came on.
RE: TV Series

I agree that parodistic versions of shows that potray mental illness, or any other illness is not entertaining.

Race, unfortunately is parodied often.

RE: TV Series

If you don't like something don't watch it. That's your right. But please leave other people alone to make THEIR own choices as well. People can handle their own business and don't need strangers telling them what to watch/read/eat etc.

I think Americans in general have lost their senses of humor. Everyone runs around waiting to be offended like it's the national pasttime. God help me the day I can't laugh at myself as an exercised obsessed, anxiety ridden, disordered eating, overly emotional pigeon-toed short Irish/Italian gal whose weird "things" include being terrified of worms and often forgetting which toothbrush is hers. If that's not worth a snort and giggle I don't know what is!! :p

Lighten up people.

Sparrow the Certifiable

RE: TV Series

I think the show is hilarious. The main male character is a replica of an old room mate. Thank God we have the freedom to select what we want to watch and what we don't. What really annoys me is when people try to determine what is suitable for everyone.

RE: TV Series

I have to agree. What is wrong with people... if you don't like it, don't watch it. Simple. Its real easy to do too. Example. Something you don't like or agree with comes on to the TV, pick up remote, switch channel, program gone. Amazing. Who is to say what i should and shouldn't watch...because i enjoy something that someone else might find offensive does not mean that i do not have the right to enjoy it. Entertainment for me might be completley different from what you like. Does that mean that i'm not an ethical person because i choose to watch or enjoy it? I like Drawn Together. Nighty Night. Family man, etc... all dealing with situations that in real life aren't funny, but on TV, make for great entertainment. If you do not like, turn off.
RE: TV Series

I watch very little TV because there's so much on that just doesn't appeal to me. (I do subscribe to HBO when the Sopranos is airing, enjoy "Rescue Me"). I saw a promo for this and thought 'that's awful.' Well, I worked 3-11 yesterday and channel surf when I get home to unwind before bed. I stumbled on this show and loved it! It's funny in wicked, dark way. The writing was great. I don't make a point of watching anything on a regular basis, but have no problem w/ this show based on the episode I saw.
RE: TV Series

This is the great thing about America, we cannot dictate what other people regard as "moral", especially when it comes to entertainment. People will always have different tastes in everything, but that should never mean passing some sort of stupid law or banning something because you find it offensive. News Flash: you WILL be offended in life and there is nothing you can do about it but live your life accordingly. Please do not tell others how to live, what to watch, who to marry, what to eat, and what to think.
RE: TV Series

It's been my observation that most of these shows contain mentally ill people with varied pathologies, including Survivor. I think most of them are sick so I just don't watch them x(

BTW, I don't understand why some are getting so defensive about this. No one is telling you not to watch the show...just giving their opinion about it.
RE: TV Series


you are right that no one is "telling people not to watch the show"--someone is trying to stop the show from existing so that no one can have the choice whether to watch it, on the sole basis that it offends THEIR little pet cause.

the initial post that sparked this conversation read "...take action now". that is not an "opinion" that the show is bad--it is a call to arms to do something to have the show stopped, and it links to a letter writing campaign to stop the show.

it is not "defensiveness" to decry another person's impulse to smother artistic expression on the basis of dubious "personal offense". "defensiveness" applies to statements like "i am not fat" in a chatroom. it is DEFENSE though, defense of art and unfettered freedom of expression irrespective of whose sacred cows get gored.

oversensitivity is murdering art in the US. you cant make a movie where muslims are terrorists, nonwhites are criminals, fat women are lazy or mentally retarded people are anything but truly gifted angels, the wisest among us without offending some lobby. could shakespeare have written under these constraints? of course not
RE: TV Series

I thought that was the name of the show, "Starved-Take Action Now". At least that's how it appears to me from the title of the thread. I didn't go to the website. Oops!

I don't believe in censorship either. I just change the's a very easy thing to do.

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