Supersets & Push/Pull


I feel like I don't see much in the forums about these two workouts. Just saw them on FitTv and am interested in both endurance and strength workouts. Any feedback positive or negative is appreciated.
I got them back in July and I think they are OK. I train each body part twice per week, with one day being total body (MIS, Power Hour, etc.). I will use supersets/push and pull, if I am feeling like I need a lighter day. Although I like them, I don't find them as challenging as some of her other tapes. But, they do have a fun factor to them, and I enjoy using my stability ball for a lot of the exercises.
Supersets is a bit harder, in my opinion, but I really like both of them a lot! :) I like the "functional fitness" feel they have (especially Supersets).
they are good workouts but they just don't seem to be more well rounded as say Maximum Intensity Strength. They do have a place but for many like me we do body part splits and maybe one day of total body weights. And i find push/pull to easy and quick. I never feel like i get a total workout and usually have to add on. Supersets is pretty good but just doesn't seem to be enough sets of the exercises for me.i like more sets with heavy weights.its all personal preference i guess.


When they discover the center of the universe, a lot of people will be
disappointed to discover they are not it -- Bernard Bailey
As produced, I don't use them too often. They've got great premixes, however, which really up the intensity/difficulty of them. Because of those premixes, I really like this DVD. The double set Push/Pull premix (running at about 80 minutes) is one of my favorites and seems pretty thorough.

I love this DVD!!! The workouts are fun, they get the whole body, and they're both under an hour in length. I agree they are not the most challenging of Cathe's workouts, but that's why they are a great addition to a collection. You can't go full out every day, so they're nice when you need an easier day but still want to feel like you're accomplishing something. They're good when you don't have 70+ minutes like some of the other videos. They're good when you just can't decide what to do or want to do something overall. And the use of the stability ball in these is probably my favorite part. Keeps things interesting and fun. I say, buy them!!
I really enjoy both these workouts quite a bit. Supersets is one of my top favorites. I use as heavy weights as I can handle with good form, so these workouts are effective for me. In Push Pull there are some non-weighted exercises that do make that workout a bit easier.
There are a lot of premixes offered on this DVD, so you can choose the number of sets you'd like to do, for a more challenging workout.
i love both these workouts, i have to imagine they may be less than popular because lots of people dont have stabilty balls and dont want to get them
You CAN modify any of the exercises that use the stability balll...I just got the Body Blast series this week, but like them both...Won't be borrowing either of them out! They're on the same DVD...Get it!

I think these are underrated. For years, many people have been wishing for a Cathe weight workout that didn't knock them out & was time efficient. Cathe gave them what they asked for.

The premixes are great & make it easy to use the workouts in an upper/lower body split. This also ups the intensity. They are complete workouts, they just don't hit each muscle group 5 different ways.

The workouts are also great for intermediates, those that have way too much going on in their lives, or who are training for an endurance event & want to maintain muscle.

Agree with you Debra.

I've always found a place for these. Yes when you are doing hard core muscle building - go for S&H but exactly as you said when you are coming back, need a quicker workout or in maintenance mode. they are great.
I love the upper body premix from push pull. I credit that workout for increasing the definition in my arms.

I have used these as is a couple of times. I incorporate them often using the premixes. I have been using portions in my routine the last three weeks along with Pure Strength. I like these. I have gotten great results with SS blasts and doing the PP 2 or 3 sets premix is great. I do add ankle weights on the lower body floor work and I always add weight on the calf work. I think if I did it as is I would push as heavy as I could go and they would still be good time efficient workouts. It is what you put into them.
Diane Sue
I agree Diane Sue.Everyone always say they are easy-they are never easy to me.using the correct wt you will feel it.I do them as produced and the premixes(which are my favorite)can fry those muscles.The music is great also.This dvd and the hc gym styles and bc premixes are my most used workouts.
I add a Supersets or Push/Pull workout in when my weekly rotation calls for three days of weight training, but time constraints prevent me from doing a long workout. Last week I did Supersets Upper Body only because I was short on time. It clocked in at only 30 minutes, and because I followed Cathe's weight I felt sufficiently worked, and suprisingly sore the next day!

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