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  1. K

    Muscles - will they rebuild flat?

    At first I laughed, but this is not a bad question! I can tell you for sure that if you didn't exercise and sat all day at work, your butt would spread out like a pancake. Found that out myself! :7
  2. K

    Fun(ky) topic: your porn name

    Sabrina Meadowlands...sounds too wholesome to me. I like Scampy!
  3. K

    Marathon or Half Marathon + weight training?

    Thanks for the article, it's just what I needed. I bookmarked it for future reference. I have the Hal Higdon schedule which is 18 weeks, and the local marathon is 18 weeks away, but I'm having doubts about whether I can increase my mileage as rapidly as it will require. Especially in the...
  4. K

    Going to rehash an old topic....................

    One weird thing that will do that is chewing sugarless gum. The nutrasweet. Just a possibility. Kath
  5. K

    Why do I sabotage myself?

    Here's one reason I sabotage myself, if it helps shed any light: If I achieve my goal of the perfect weight, then I might have to continue making sacrifices to maintain it. Ewwwww. I've been down to that just-right weight but sabotage myself whenever I get feels too "Miss...
  6. K

    Marathon or Half Marathon + weight training?

    I guess I could do a full body lifting day on the one cross training day, see how that goes...there's a marathon in Portland in October, and Seattle in January, and a half on mother's day...lots of choices. I'm glad to hear your muscles sprang back MadnNat's mom. Right now I've just...
  7. K

    Marathon or Half Marathon + weight training?

    I'm toying with the idea of training for a marathon, or half. Have any of you done this, and did you lose muscle mass? Right now I do Cathe for weights and running for cardio. I'm just worried I'll run my muscle away and then have a lower metabolism when all is said and done. I could probably...
  8. K

    Significant Weight Loss w/Cathe

    I lost 19 pounds with Cathe and WW 2 years ago, and I love both. I'm able to eat quite a lot because of the workouts and stay at my goal. You found a good combo! Kath
  9. K

    Best way to loose 10 lbs and do Cathe's workout

    For some reason power hour is the magic bullet for slimming me down too. Ps/slow and heavy are great but Power hour melts off fat. I alternate that with running. I keep thinking I should really rotate with some other workouts but PH is just so great! If you want to lose the weight once and...
  10. K

    Will it work?

    I did pure strength just once a week for about 9 months and it was definitely enough to build muscle, and I don't build it easily. And my behind did not get bigger, just smaller and higher. Kath
  11. K

    Comments on Janis Brand New Butt & More / Ringside...

    RE: Comments on Janis Brand New Butt & More / Ringside.... Although Janis Saffel has a perfect butt, she didn't get it doing that video. I found it pretty useless and after I discovered Cathe's wedding video, made the Cathe will give you a brand new butt for sure. I wouldn't...
  12. K

    Intensity Series Wallpaper

    The whole crew looks so incredibly ripped it's just amazing. They get better and better every year, unbelievably. I bookmarked this page so I can look at for motivation before going for a run. I don't need motivation to go do my cathe tapes but for a run, I need a push. This did it! Kath
  13. K

    The crazy coffee addiction....

    Yeah they do use formaldehyde in the decaf process most of the time, but some use a water-process to decaf. But how to tell? I hope my post wasn't too much of a downer, my point really was, you can analyze it to death or just have the darn stuff and enjoy it. Most herbal teas are naturally...
  14. K

    Ordered Power Hour

    Whenever I'm terrified of a video, I make it a point to do it often until it doesn't scare me anymore and it becomes an old friend like the rest of them. However, as soon as I take it out of my rotation and I'm away from a video for awhile, I'm right back to being afraid of doing it again. I...
  15. K

    I have to ask.....

    RE: Don't tempt me . . . What's so hilarious about Annette's convincing technique is, it would probably work on most men. :)
  16. K

    The crazy coffee addiction....

    Oh, you guys are my conscience. I just started drinking a cup a day because it's so cozy in the winter. The chemical they use to decaffeinate coffee is a known carcinogen (formaldehyde) so I drank regular. Caffeine is hard on your kidneys and adrenal glands and makes you excrete calcium...
  17. K

    cathe cardio duration question

    While you wait for Cathe to answer, can I just share...I've read recently that the three longer cardios are better. This is because your body will use the carbs available in your muscles and bloodstream for energy for the first 30 minutes or so, then they get depleted and your body starts...
  18. K

    HELP, no results in 2 months!

    What you eat is so, so important. Weight watchers plus Cathe is a sure-win combination. I lost 19 pounds this way and it's stayed off.
  19. K

    Another strength vs. endurance question...

    You can do a strength series and an endurance workout in one week. Example- Monday: PS cst AND biceps Wednesday: PS legs AND back Friday: Power hour (cardio or rest on days in between) Another option would be to leave out one of the ps workouts each week-do 2 of the 3, plus a power hour...
  20. K

    Do I Really NEED Power Hour?

    I thought for a year, I don't need power hour, what's the point? Then I got it and used it all last summer, and wow! It hardened up and compacted all the muscle I'd been building with pure strength and slow and heavy. Here's my 1st grade understanding of something Meredith explained on the...