Best way to loose 10 lbs and do Cathe's workout



I was sick for a while, did not exercise and gained weight.

Now I have to go back on track.

I owned the following Cathe's DVD's.

What routine should I do to firm and loose those 10 lbs??? Also, should I eat more than 1500 cal. a day???

PS Legs
PS Chest, shoulders, triceps
PS Biceps

Power Hour
Body Max

Step Fit
Step Works

Thanks for your input:)
What videos worked best for me were MIS, Power and Body Max. I did MIS 2 times a week and PH once a week with various cardio on opposite days. Then the following week I did PH 2 times and MIS one time with BodyMax on Saturday(other cardio for 35mn to 1 hour opposite weight days). I followed this for about 6 weeks or so. I don't know how much time you have for your workouts but I have also done weight training in the AM then cardio in the afternoon or evening.
As far as eating is concerned 5 -6 meals a day about 3-4 hours a part. Good healthy carbs( bagels,cereals,oatmeal,wheat breads,rice, pasta,veges,yogurt,fruits) and lean proteins. Try to keep total fat intake 10-15%. Try not to add additional fats(butter,marg,cream sauces) to your carbs. You can start with 1500 but if you feel hungry add more in( healthy stuff of course!!) It's all about making the right choices really.Don't go hungry! If you feel hungry EAT just make sure it's on the healthy side! Drink plenty of water too.
Hope this helps! I don't have the PS Series so someone else may have ideas where that's concerned! Take care and good luck-Susan
For some reason power hour is the magic bullet for slimming me down too. Ps/slow and heavy are great but Power hour melts off fat. I alternate that with running. I keep thinking I should really rotate with some other workouts but PH is just so great!

If you want to lose the weight once and for all, weight watchers is terrific and you only need to have 5lbs to lose to join. They won't look at you funny for only wanting to lose 10.

When my weight goes up a little and I'm counting every bite so I can lose back down, it helps me to try not to eat white flour or sugar products. Keeps the blood sugar steady so you don't get hungry.

Dairy products help the body metabolize fat more efficiently. Calcium pills won't do it.

It'll come right off now that you're feeling better. :D

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