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    Moment of Truth Check-In 8/23

    Hi Everyone! Wendy,your doing AWESOME! All that since 8/1, that is really encouraging! Lori, It is hard to get into isn't it? I find if I can stick with it the first two weeks, then it gets easier... And that is were I'm stuck, I haven't been able to make it more then a week in a LONG...
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    Moment of Truth Check In 8-22

    Hi Everyone! I measured, and I planned out all my workouts for the week. My goals, lose 5-10lbs, add weights in (I'm VERY beginner with weights and don't like it at all) and clean up my diet ALOT! I should make getting more sleep one of my goals too, (Lori, unlike you I wasn't working last...
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    The moment of truth!

    Hi Everyone! I would be very interested in joining! Lori, I swear, I could of written your post! I've been very bad this summer, and am having a hard time cleaning up my diet. I bet having a check in would be really helpful and motivating. I don't think I have ever taken my measurments (yikes...
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    Question for all the runners out there

    Hi Judejude, I just wanted to add my two cents! I have never been someone who jogs/runs, either. But I got motivated to try it from all the inspiring people on these boards. I started just like you did, with walk/jog intervals. I didn't follow any specific plan, but did three minutes walking and...
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    Waking Up in the Middle of the Night to Eat & those las...

    Hi, I can see why this would flip you out, good all day, dedicated to working out, and sabotaging it at night! My mother and sister do the exact same thing! My mother describes it just like you did, sometimes she isn't even really aware that she ate in the night. She's never looked into this and...
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    The Kite Runner

    Oh, good to hear, I just got my copy yesterday! I was going to try to hold off, but after that review.... Ha ha Thanks Carolyn
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    Have you tried to get somebody to try a Cathe workout?

    RE: Have you tried to get somebody to try a Cathe worko... I tell anyone who will listen how great Cathe is!! So far no takers. I even went so far as to loan out my PH dvd, to a good friend who uses firm. She said it was too hard, I probably should of given her Cardio and weights but couldn't...
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    High Step benefits?

    Lois, It's funny you should mention leg presses. I've been trying to figure out what they are? I don't have any workouts with high step in it yet, I'm sure their very evil-Can't wait! Carolyn
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    High Step benefits?

    Hi Susan, Glad to hear the high step is working out good for you. I just opened mine, and am very excited to get started with it. I wasn't sure if the advanced workout would be too much to start with so I got the beginner one too, I figured between the two, I could figure something out. I really...
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    High Step benefits?

    Hi Everyone! My high step is due today! I am so excited and keep watching for my UPS man. Just wondering how much of a difference high step training will make for me? Anyone notice a big difference when they added that to their routine? I bought the high step beginner DVD and high step advanced...
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    Lindsey Lohan on the Today show

    Christine, Funny, I just watched that interview, and was thinking the same thing. She was also on Letterman last night, with the same stories. It's hard to feel sympathy for her when you get the impression that somehow she goes out of her way to be in the spot light. Did I say that right? That's...
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    Those of us NOT going on road trip: let's do out own virtual one!

    Emily, That was soooo funny! I'm still laughing over here. I was reading thinking, wow, I would love to see her live class, oh ha ha ha then what you said. I would absolutely DIE, if I was in that class being FILMED! I'm not going on the road trip, but it would worry me too! Thanks for cracking...
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    A reason to buy the high step...

    Hi Wendy, I was on the ya yas swap last night and someone had both of Cathes' high step workouts the advanced oneson DVD for $20 apiece, or $35 for both. Sounds like you should check it out!! I have a high step shipping to me right now, and ordered one of those high step dvds (can't remember...
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    New Member of the Runner's Club!

    Hi Angie, Yes we do ROCK!! I'll tell ya, I felt great after I was done. I was a little over confident though, I didn't think I would be sore today-Wrong! I figured if I could get through Imax 2 with no modifications whats a little running gonna do? Ha ha, I was walking a little slower today, and...
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    scary experience

    Hi Susan, I'm so glad your OK! My husband is a pretty good mechanic and I ran your story by him. He said that a stuck gas pedal would mean problem with your linkage. He also said that if it happens again you should just turn your car off. You'll lose your power steering, but it would be best...
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    New Member of the Runner's Club!

    Angie, I ran for the first time today too!! Unlike you though it was my first time EVER! Wow, it was hard. I was really proud of myself until I read your post and saw that you did five minutes with one minute rest. My intervals were three minutes running, three minutes walking... but I did go...
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    Have we thought of telling Oprah?

    I might be mistaken, but I swear I remember reading a post from Aquajock and her mentioning that she had been on the Oprah show? Not Cathe related but she was on a segment for something. It was a a long time ago so I may have the wrong person. Carolyn
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    Oh Happy Day!

    Ohhh I'm glad you had a great day Tammy! You may be in store for a few more, this weather looks like it's here into next week:) ~Carolyn~
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    waiting for the explosion....

    Ha ha don't you get sick of trying to make everyone happy at dinner time? I know I do, I walk aimlessly through the grocery store plotting and planning, and trying to remember who likes what and how long it's been since we had that for dinner! Good luck with the eggplant, maybe he won't notice...
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    The real thing

    Nancy, you silly girl He didn't know what he was up against He didn't know what it was all about He had so much to think about...... Tammy see what you started! Ha ha, I can see we're going to have alot to talk about when we meet, between Cathe, John Travolta...