Oh Happy Day!


Well, work yesterday was a sweat-fest. The office air conditioning is broken, and it will be a few days before the landlord can put a new air conditioning unit in. We weren't very productive, it was just too hot to get anything accomplished. To top it off, I sit at the front desk and the office is wall to wall windows - there was no escaping the heat.

BUT, just as I finished MuscleMax and was on my way to the showers, my boss called and told me that they were closing the offices today as it was already 100 degrees in there.

I am so happy! So I have done a bit of CleanMax, and I think I'm going to head out to the pool and try to get some of the glare off my legs with a bit of color.


Good for you Tammy--I know just how you feel. It was about 90 in NJ on Monday & our a/c was dead--I ended up sending everyone home early b/c IMO it's just inhumane to work in those conditions.
You are a good boss Maximus! It is inhumane to try and work in those conditions. Although I know there are many people who work in these conditions either inside or outside on a daily basis. I now have a bit more sympathy and respect for anyone who does.

Ya know Tammy, I never even thought of that...it's illegal to let people work in a building if it's above a certain temp! Good. I'm glad it got that hot then! No one needs to work in those conditions!

Enjoy your day!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm!

Baby Joey born May 14, 2005 11:19 pm 7 pounds 12 oz 21 inches long.

Thanks guys...the pool water was 82 degrees - just perfect! I did stay out a little too long though. I was judging my time by the clock on the ipod, only I haven't synced my ipod since daylight savings time started, so the ipod was an hour off. So when I came into the house thinking I had only been out an hour, it had really been two hours! Oops!

Anyway, it was a great day off, especially since oldest son was working and sons #2 and #3 were at school.

Tammy..... refreshed from her mental health day!
Yeah it is illegal. I figured I'd make the cut before some too smart for their own good union employee called the state health dept. & found out at what temp they could legally stage a walkout. :eek:

My poor BF is a firefighter, plus he owns a tree service. A house was struck by lightning while he was on duty Monday & the poor guy was trying to put out a fire in 90+ temps for like 4 hours (the place pretty much burned down). Then he left the firehouse at 8 am Tuesday morning to go cut down some trees. I feel so bad for him. :-(

Of course it's his choice & he makes pretty good money, but still........
Ohhh I'm glad you had a great day Tammy! You may be in store for a few more, this weather looks like it's here into next week:)

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