New Member of the Runner's Club!


YAAAYYY!!! I RAN!! For the first time in over a YEAR! I dropped my daughter off at summer school early this morning (actually the behind-the-wheel portion of her driver's ed class) and then headed to the back of the school where they have a really nice track around the soccer field. There's even an extension that goes through a wooded section that's very pretty! I walked one minute and jogged 5 minutes and did that 4 times. I plan on doing this 2-3x/wk (weather permitting) and extending the jogging time. I'm on such a high, now I totally know how everyone feels when they first start running. I wore my brand new Asics and so far my knees are not retaliating.

I'm so happy! I feel like singing Flock of Seagulls - "And I raaaan, I ran so far awaaaay......!!" (Eek, now everyone knows how old I am!)

Congrats, I love that feeling after running too. It's very addicting }( :7

Flock of Seagulls played in my area last Friday and I thought about going!!!:p
LOL Angie! I love that Flock of Seagulls song!!! :)

That's AWESOME! Isn't it a great feeling??? Woo-Hoo!

Yay for you!

Angie, that is awesome! The thing I miss the most about being pregnant is not being able to run. Walking just doesn't give me that runner's high I love. Way to go girl!!

BTW, I really like that song!
Thank GOODNESS you all are as old as I am to remember that song!:p

By the way, did anyone see the 80's revival band show on not too long ago called "Hit Me Baby, One More Time"? Flock of Seagulls were on that show and they looked soooo different and REALLY didn't sound so great.

Tiffany, Loverboy, and Arrested Development were also on that show!:7

Angie.. congrats on the run!! Keep it up!! I love it. No feeling in the world like the one after a good run.

Y'all must be younger than me. I don't recognize those bands. Talk about Bob Seger, Boston, Queen, the Bee Gee's... then I'll understand.... LOL....
Angie, I ran for the first time today too!! Unlike you though it was my first time EVER! Wow, it was hard. I was really proud of myself until I read your post and saw that you did five minutes with one minute rest. My intervals were three minutes running, three minutes walking... but I did go for 50 minutes. I guess I'll see how I feel tom. and take it from there. I would of never tried running if it weren't from this website. Listening to everyone talk about it made me wonder if I had it in me. We'll see.
Congrats Angie! I a runner newbie too. I'm heading out for my 2nd run tomorrow morning. I had wanted to run sooner, but my legs just stopped hurting!

Tammy[/img] Angie!!! great job on your first run, welcome to the club!!!....I would bet I am older...:)...Yep, I know that song....:)...Carole
I remember that song! lol

Congrats Angie! Good for you. With all of this running talk, I have thought about giving it ago but I've always been horrid at it...don't know if it's worth it. lol


6/13/05 Some new pics added!Check out pics of Joey's room in the "nursery" album!
YAY, Carolyn!! Holy cow, 50 minutes is AWESOME for your first time! You should be VERY proud of yourself! It was hard but well worth it, wasn't it?!? I think if we just keep it up and slowly, SLOWLY increase our running time, we'll be veteran runners in NO time!!

I never would have gotten back into running if it weren't for this website, either. In fact, I was never an OUTSIDE runner, always an inside-on-the-treadmill-with-a-fan-directly-on-me runner!!

WE ROCK!!! How do you feel today?

Tammy -

Congratulations! Our newbie club is getting bigger! YAY!!! My legs are a little sore this morning from yesterday's run but I also did L&G floorwork last night. I'm paying more attention to my knees but so far they are doing well. Let us know how your 2nd run went!!

Wendy - I'm DEFINITELY not good at running, but it's fun and great exercise and I can only get better. Try it! You'll LIKE IT! (Wasn't that the old Life Cereal commercial w/Mikey???)

Hi Angie, Yes we do ROCK!! I'll tell ya, I felt great after I was done. I was a little over confident though, I didn't think I would be sore today-Wrong! I figured if I could get through Imax 2 with no modifications whats a little running gonna do? Ha ha, I was walking a little slower today, and Cardio and Weights didn't feel so good (i only did the step premix) I think my next run (hopefully) tomorrow is going to be a bit shorter! Keep me updated on your progress, hearing about someone else's acomplishments is really motivating! Thanks.

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