The moment of truth!


I got the measuring tape out and my scale. Last night I was at work and my pants felt so tight around my belly. Thats when I realized that it was time to do something about it. Summer for me is always hard on the body b/c we have alot of BBQ's and drinks.
Soooooooooooooooo, I picked up a journal at the mall, to write down everything that goes in my mouth and my measurements and I will take my measurements again in a monthes time.
Anyone interested in joining? We could have a check in? No particular diet for me, just more water, some good workouts and I am going to try and watch my sugar intake. Im looking at osing around 10 lbs.
I would like to join you. I've just started tracking my food and activities at and have been measuring once a month for the past two months - I went up .5" from last month x( that's when I realized that my diet is where success or failure lies. I really only want to lose 8lbs, I'd be happy w/ 5 though. I'm planning on measuring again on the 1st.

What should we call the check in?
I'll join you ladies! :)

I am using FitDay also to track my food and have kept of journal of my exercise for about 3 years now. I want to lose about 15 pounds. It's the left over pregnancy weight plus some extra I put on AFTER Joey was born!!! x(

I started a new plan of attack a few days ago and so far I have actually lost almost 3 pounds! It's the only real success I have seen having my baby so I am THRILLED with it! This check-in will help motivate me even more so now!

What will the thread be called so that I know what to look for???
I think I'd like to try this. I've upped my weights, so maybe I'll start seeing some changes.
P.S. I think I'll measure before I go to the movies tonight and get all bloated up from popocorn.;-)
I'll join you, Lori. I need to start to change my body composition: to lose fat and gain muscle. Yesterday I started on my new intense training. The only thing that can get in my way would be work. Otherwise, I'm fully motivated to get in shape for my stepson's wedding.

What kind of change in measurements should I be looking for? What measurements should I take right now to see what kind of progress I make?
I'd like to join in, too. Can anyone steer me to a program I can load into a PDA?

~ Kim

"Welcome the challenge...Embrace it...Don't fear it." -Cathe Friedrich
Yah!!!!! Im so happy that you ladies are joining me!:7 And it seems as if everyone as some small goal that they would like to get to.
I don't know what we should call it. Any ideas?
Nancy, I took my hips,waist,chest (which is only 34":eek: )calves,thighs and upper arms.I guess your personal goals are up to you. My waist and hip measurements have wnet up about 1.5 inches so I am first going to get them back down to where I know they have been before and then I will go from there.
If we are starting clean tomorrow, I am going to post my measurements then. Is anyone else going to post their measurments?
Thanks Lori.

My measurements are:

Hips 36"
Waist 27.5"
Chest 36"
Calves 12.5"
Thigh at widest part: 19.5"
Upper arm (not sure where to measure): 10"

I'm not sure what I expect to change. I'm not looking to lose weight, just fat, and gain muscle. I do know that I would love to have a 26" waist, though.

I have my mother-of-the-groom dress fitting in just 2 weeks! :eek: :eek:
As far as what we will call this thread...I say just call it exactly what Lori called THIS thread..."The Moment of Truth Check-In September 22".

What do you all think?

BTW-I am still debating posting my measurements...before I got pregnant I would not have hesitated but now it's painful just for me to see them and no one else! x( I WILL however post my results as in pounds and inches lost as I progress!!!
Oh WENDY!!! THE moment of truth thread means that you have to come to terms with the TRUTH! I wasn't thrilled about it either but I needed to know. That way, after I get to where I want to be, I will know how far I have come. And with that being said, its not like you just let yourself had a little bambino!
Can we shorten the moment of truth thread somehow? Moment of Truth Aug 22?
Sure Lori, we can shorten it...Moment of Truth 8/22 is good and even shorter yet! :)

Can I post my measurements in "invisible ink" so that no one can see them? :p
Hi Everyone! I would be very interested in joining! Lori, I swear, I could of written your post! I've been very bad this summer, and am having a hard time cleaning up my diet. I bet having a check in would be really helpful and motivating. I don't think I have ever taken my measurments (yikes, I'm scared)! but I'll dig up my tape measure and report in! I'd like to lose between 5lb and 10lbs, clean up my diet and really stay consistant with weights (I do mostly cardio) Thanks for starting this!
Carolyn, glad you could join us.Summer is the worst time for me.Alot of people think that the winter monthes are worst but thats when I do the least amount of socializing and I get my workouts in. Mostly b/c I have nothing else to do and I don't wanna go outside cause its to cold:) I think everyone is in the same boat. Not that I would discourage anyone who as alot of weight to lose join, but it seems as if we only have 5-20 lbs to lose.
Wendy, if you can find some invisiable ink, then yes.:) You never know, your measurments may not be that bad.
I am working the night shift tonight so if I don't start this thread in the a.m, then by all means, someone else can and when I get up after lunch I will check in.
Hey ladies,

I would love to join this! The only thing is right now I can't find my blasted measuring tape! So maybe I can post my measurements alittle bit later today? Also I have some questions of the measuring. Where do you measure exactly for the waist, and where for the hips? I mean do you measure across the stomach for the hips? For upper arm, should the arm be flexed or relaxed? Sorry for all the crazy questions!

I weighed myself this morning, but weigh the same as the last couple of months. Although I have noticed changes and expansions in my body. So I need to get rid of some fat!

Will it be hard to lose fat, if I am only allowed to do upperbody and abs for awhile? I am not able to do cardio right now.

Here is my routine this week:

Sun: PS,cst and pub abs.
Mon: L&G floor work, and 10mins.abhits
Tue: PS,bba
Wed: off or abs
Thr: L&G floorwork,ME abs
Fri: PS,cst
Sat: PS,bba

I am trying a variety of weight training this month.

Look forward to this checkin!

Kim, welcome!

You measure your bust at the widest part, wearing a good bra. Measure the waist at the narrowest part. Measure the hips at the widest part, right across the buttocks (not across the stomach). I measured my thigh at the widest part, and measured my bicep flexed as Charlotte suggested.


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