The real thing

The dark haired guy from Emergency was one of my first crushes! The actors name is Randolph Mantooth, but he played Johnny Gage on the show. I saw a recent picture of him somewhere and I still think he's good looking! Unlike some of my other crushes, I look at old pictures and think "Geez what WAS I thinking?!?"


~~Happiness is an Attitude~~
David Cassidy was my very first crush ever! I adored him (although I outgrew him in . . . ooh, 5'6"? . . . the summer between sixth and seventh grade. Yikes!

Chad Everett?

I'm older than you ladies, so my first crush was Paul McCartney and John Lennon. I was out-of-my-mind in love with both of them. Now it's even hard to imagine what it would be like to have hormones like that again!:+

Okay, so what is he so afraid of? Is he afraid that he's not sure of the love or is he afraid that there's no cure for the love?? What's going on with the fear and the love there??? HUH??????

Sorry, couldn't help myself. :+ :+ :+ :+
Thanks Nancy, that's him! You're about 5 years older than me, it's interesting how much difference a few years makes when we are younger and then the gap seems to close. I thought the Beatles looked kinda scruffy and scarey when I was 10 but we used to skip to "Keep the Beatles singing, you gotta be in by Ringo!
John - Paul - George and Ringo!"
Okay I'll stop now :p

Take Care
Does anyone remember Mark Lindsay? He was with Paul Revere and the Raiders and then he went solo. I had a crush on him from the age of 4 (yes 4, when he had some show I used to see on televsion) until I was 12.
WOW, yeah what a blast from the past. I remember drooling over Donny Osmond when he say "Puppy Love". I remember all of these teen idols and haven't thought of them in years. We children of the 70's. (teenager in the late 70's).
My earliest ever crush was on Elvis and I can still recall how sad I felt the day he died, I was 8.
After that I adored Rudolph mantooth from Emergency.
Straight after that was Paul McCartney and John Travolta as Vinnie Barbarino. These experiences cemented my lifelong appreciation of dark haired men, something I have carried my entire life.
Nancy, you silly girl
He didn't know what he was up against
He didn't know what it was all about
He had so much to think about......

Tammy see what you started! Ha ha, I can see we're going to have alot to talk about when we meet, between Cathe, John Travolta, and Partridge faimly songs! Can't wait!!
Take Care

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