waiting for the explosion....


I made grilled vegetable lasagna last night and it is reruns tonight.... my husband is home tonight.... I told him lasagna for supper... I sure hope that eggplant looks like hamburger....:eek:
Ha ha don't you get sick of trying to make everyone happy at dinner time? I know I do, I walk aimlessly through the grocery store plotting and planning, and trying to remember who likes what and how long it's been since we had that for dinner! Good luck with the eggplant, maybe he won't notice right away!
I was in the other room and didn't hear anything, just the fork hitting the plate.... curosity got the better of me and I just had to ask "well how do you like it"? He didn't pause in eating but said... okay I guess but I'll trying to figure out what the @&%# is in it..... hehe... I just said "oh I threw in a few vegies to jazz it up"....

He is overweight and out of condition and I refuse to cook any other way but healthy... but it's hard with someone who thinks french fries are a food group all their own and tortilla chips are a vegetable because they're corn.....x(

He's not a fan of the healthy eating lifestyle. Since I started WW a little over two years ago, it has become a way of life for me. He didn't follow but I've dragged him kicking and screaming every step of the way...

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