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  1. L

    Please help with son's school project

    I just found a blank postcard today when I was cleaning out the closet so he can expect one from Minnesota as well. Talk about luck - it has MN's state bird and state flower on it too.
  2. L

    Question for those that have new TLT's

    I got a pair of 5# Danskin squishy weight balls at Wal-Mart for around $14. They also had 3# and 4# sets for less. They are soft vinyl and seem to have sand inside. The weight is not solid in the core however, so as you turn the ball over in your hand you can feel the weight shift. They...
  3. L

    Copying music to my MP3 player?

    Kimbra, Does your MP3 player support .WMA files? My Rio Chiba does. My older Yepp did not. WMA files are the default type of files that Windows Media Player creates when you copy a CD to your computer. WMA files are much smaller than MP3's. For example, I have John Mellencamp's...
  4. L

    How cold is too cold for running?

    I have run when the air temp was 3 degrees, but there was hardly any wind so wind-chill was just below zero. I went about 5 miles. It was a very nice run. Generally though I don't go out if the wind-chill is below zero or if the wind-speed is above 20 mph (I find it too difficult to...
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    Gifts for Guys

    How about tickets to a concert or music festival? Or an experience like sky-diving or hot air ballooning? Or a cool video rocker chair? An Ipod? A massage seat? Gadgets for the car - like a heated seat pad or a vacuum that plugs into the cigarette lighter? Leather Jacket...
  6. L

    Okay runners here's another one

    Mic, Everything really depends on your goals and experience. When I started running a long run was anything over 30 minutes! I don't run marathons or even half-marathons (yet), but I do run a few 5k's and 10k's each year. Over winter I am in what I consider maintenance mode and I only...
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    I need help with Wine

    My family prefers a less dry wine as well so when I bring wine for Thanksgiving, I always bring a Reisling. It is a white wine - not too sweet, but not dry at all. Both Fetzer and Geyser Peak make reislings that we enjoy and are not too expensive. You might ask the manager at your local...
  8. L

    Anyone have or wear Road ID when working out?

    My friend got one that she wears on her shoe and she likes it. I just write my name, address, and phone number on a slip of paper that I keep in my pocket when I run.
  9. L

    For Year Round Runners

    Mic, I am sure some of the more seasoned runners will offer more help with this, but I run outside year-round and find it can be very enjoyable with a few precautions. The cold is not really a problem - the last two mornings here have been 34 with a wind-chill around 26. I wore a pair of...
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    Slow and Heavy

    S&H is NOT like PUB or Gym Styles (I do not have Pure Strength yet so will not comment on it). S&H generally does 3 sets of 8 reps with a 2 down and 6 up count (but the count is slow..) and a full minute of rest between each set. Some may think it is boring, but I really like it. It has...
  11. L

    Bare Escentuals ?

    I have not tried Bare Escentuals, but was very interested in trying them when I noticed the Physician's Formula Mineral Wear in my local discount store. I tried that first since it was under $10 and I absolutely love it! I have never been one who liked the feel of foundation nor could I...
  12. L

    I LOVE cottage cheese & fresh fruit

    One of my favorite combinations is to mix cottage cheese, chopped apples, raisins and a little cinnamon together and eat it in a whole wheat pita. Sometimes a little messy but it is great. Someone mentioned stirring strawberry jelly into it... I also like to use strawberries with a little...
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    MTV Pilates Mix

    I just returned this DVD to Netflix this morning. I am definitely buying this one! My daughter and I both liked it better than the MTV pilates. I found it on Amazon for $11.99.
  14. L

    Post run euphoria

    I am so proud of you!! I have never run more than 8 miles at once. I admire your goal and your drive to attain it. I am sending best wishes that you remain injury free and qualify for Boston. When and where are you planning on qualifying for Boston?
  15. L

    Need food help

    Since you like chicken, you could pick up a whole roasted chicken from the grocery store deli. If don't eat the skin, they are aren't too bad for you (maybe high in sodium). You can have roasted chicken with some rice and veggies for one night and then save the rest of the meat for salads or...
  16. L

    Whole grain white??

    "Looks like it was designed with picky kids in mind - so parents can slip their kids whole grains without the kids realizing it. ;) " Emily, Not just for picky kids but for picky husbands too. I keep trying to get him to eat far I have upped his fruit and veggie...
  17. L

    August 05 Rotation Check In???

    I am going to try and do this rotation, but I am missing some videos... Not having Body Max, this morning I ran 4.2 miles and then did the 200 jumping jacks. After work, I did PUB and the 40 push-ups. I don't have any of the interval maxes either so tomorrow I will do an interval run in...
  18. L

    Any good zucchini recipes?

    Here is one of my family's favorites. When the girls were little, we called it pizza eggs. Now, 20 years later, it is one of the recipes they want to take with them when they move out... This says it makes 8 servings, but in my experience it is more like 6. Of course you can always use...
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    Do you do abs everyday or every other?

    I used to do ab work almost every day, but I still didn't have the abs I wanted. I decided to go back to only 3-4 times a week after reading this in DH's June 2005 Men's Health pg.140: "Edging closer to sharp abs can tempt you to work them every day. Don't. Training more can actually...
  20. L

    How did you find out about Cathe?

    I found Cathe on Fit TV. I came across her in the 9pm time slot that was listed as Peak Performance. She was doing the Slow and Heavy series and I was soooo impressed. At the beginning, I really thought her program was called Peak Performance (and I have the video tapes to prove it). Then...