Slow and Heavy


Active Member
Hello I will order the new DVDs., so I was thinking on order Slow and Heavy. I have in my collection almost every Cathe's DVD (lucky me) except for the old ones and the S&H. Is this DVD similar to PUB or Gym Styles or Pure Strengh?or is there something new or special about it? Thanks in advance for your comments
S&H is NOT like PUB or Gym Styles (I do not have Pure Strength yet so will not comment on it). S&H generally does 3 sets of 8 reps with a 2 down and 6 up count (but the count is slow..) and a full minute of rest between each set.

Some may think it is boring, but I really like it. It has really helped me focus on my form. I have also increased the amount I can lift by quite a bit using this DVD.

PUB and Gym Styles have a faster count and less rest in between sets. Each has a place in my rotations. I usually throw in a week of S&H every month.
I love S&H and saw some of my most significant strength gains using this series. S&H and Gym Styles are my favorites for strength and right now I alternate between these two series.

I love the upper body work in S&H, but don't use the lower body (I prefer other lower-body workouts like PLB, and those slo-mo lunges did not appeal to my knees!). As others have said, it's not at all like any other Cathe workout.

The slow count (6 up, 2 down) gives you the time to really play around with variations (doing a 3 down/5 up--which I usually prefer--or a 5 down/3 up, or a 4 down/4 up --which I prefer for the shoulder exercises).

IMO, S&H is the only Cathe workout that has a long enough rest period between sets to really increase strength (unless, like me, you put your own rests in the other workouts!).

As Lori Ann stated, there are those who find S&H boring, but I don't at all. (I like lifting heavy, and the slow work is almost meditative for me...though I certainly would be bored with a "super slow" workout with 10 reps up and 10 reps down!).
S&H is my favorite Cathe workout. This is the workout that truly allows you to go the heaviest. In my opinion, it is by far the best workout for us hard gainers. I think another word for us is "ectomorphs" if I've got that right. If you're an ecto, you NEED this workout! }(
Well, literally ecto means "outer". But the dictionary says that an ectomorph is "an individual having a lean, slightly muscular body build in which tissues derived from the embryonic ectoderm predominate." Maybe one of our many scientific Catheites will chime in to explain what that means, cuz it sure beats me.

One way of classifying body types is as one of the three below:

Ectomorph (morph means "form"): tends to thinness rather than either fat or muscle (think Paris Hilton or Lara Flynn Boyle);

Endomorph : tends toward fat rather than muscle (think Delta Burke);

Mesomorph : tends toward muscle (think Madonna).

Many people are combinations. I'm supposedly an "ecto-endo" (great: NO tendency towards muscle, but either skinniness--mostly upper body--or fat--lower body!) and I am a hardgainer.

You can change your body composition through exercise, but if one didn't exercise, their body type would be even clearer.

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