How cold is too cold for running?


I'm going to start up my running regime. I miss it so much!!! Before when I ran I was a very fair weather runner. Now, I'm feeling much more dedicated and miss it something terrible. How cold is too cold (with the proper clothing, of course) to go running? Any other tips? I subscribe to Runner's World and have put the issues aside until I was ready to start running again, so needless to say, they are out on the coffee table again. :)

Thanks in advance for the anticipated and much needed advice. :7

I run in cold cold cold weather, because I have no access to a treadmill and if I want to run, I have no choice. I think as long as you layer appropriately, you'll be fine.

I usually wear a lightweight pair of running tights, with windproof pants over top. A light short-sleeved running shirt, a long sleeve running shirt, a lined jacket, scarf, gloves and hat. If it's really cold, I wear the scarf over my nose and mouth to warm the air I'm breathing in.

You'll be surprised how quickly you warm up once you get going:)
hi marcia

i am not sure what TOO cold is for running. i guess its personal preference and safety. its been about 30's here and i still go out and feel fine. i just make sure i am covered and layered up. i personally wouldn't go once it hits under 27 but that is just ME. i have ran after the snow storm we had, then again watching the "TODAY" show there were ppl in central park running IN the snow. so i guess its just personal safety, you know what you can handle and what is good for you, but i think more of the expierened runners can get into the details, i was just offereing my take.


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The coldest that I run in is when it's in the teens. For me, it's not the temps so much as the wind. I'd rather run when it's 15 degrees and sunny, than 30 degrees and windy.

My biggest problem now is ice/snow. I'm a chicken about running on messy roads and we've had wintry conditions for 2 weeks now. I've never gone this long without running in the winter before!x(

Winter running is a lot of fun! Hope you enjoy it!:)

I agee it's a personal preference. When I was running regularly, I didn't run when the temp dipped below freezing, which was most of the winter. I have asthma, and it bothered me AFTER a run in cold weather. I'd get inside and start wheezing and coughing. Of course, these days I go cross country skiing in all kinds of weather and the asthma doesn't seem to be an issue. I was always afraid of slipping on icy roads and injuring myself too. Most of my running was done on dirt roads on a state game lands which aren't plowed in the winter either. I could think of lots of excuses not to run in the winter.
I know I'm replying to this late but, oh well. I just started running and because I don't have access to a treadmill I too run in the cold. Yeah it would be more comfortable if it were spring but oh well. I layer up and make sure I wear hat, scarf and gloves. The scarf helps to keep the warmth in until I warm up on my own. It's tougher if it's cold and the wind is blowing, so I try to get out on what looks like it's going to be the warmest days of the week with less wind. It can be done, I've ran when it's only 4 degrees out and I can't remember what the windshield was, that windshield will get you too.
I have run when the air temp was 3 degrees, but there was hardly any wind so wind-chill was just below zero. I went about 5 miles. It was a very nice run.

Generally though I don't go out if the wind-chill is below zero or if the wind-speed is above 20 mph (I find it too difficult to maintain my temp - I get chilled going into the wind and compensate by running faster and then I overheat when the wind is at my back). Actually 10 mph or less is ideal, but here on the Plains you don't get those days too often.

I layer as was mentioned. NO cotton - it holds the sweat and chills you quickly. I often see people running in hooded sweatshirts and I think that they must be very uncomfortable. I would like to use a scarf when it's cold, but I wear glasses and they fog up on me too much.

For me, it is the ice more than the temp that makes a difference. If the streets are very icy then I stay in and do Cathe or run on the treadmill - I refuse to take a chance on breaking something by slipping on the ice.

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