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    New to Cathe

    RE: TT! no debbie,not at all! thanks to you AND your smiley waving friend. she's very cute.
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    New to Cathe

    RE: Welcome! hi rachel, can you tell me what TT is an abbreviation for? i am stumped by it. thanks.
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    Cathe's Wedding Video and Bodymax ?

    hi rockette, i own all the tapes you just mentioned and i think you would have the most fun with r-step. body max is very challenging and as mentioned in someone elses post it is very helpful to be ready for it. the wedding video is ok, the last part where cathe does all the lunging really...
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    I need everyone's input on a little "ebay crisis"

    does ebay have a customer service dept. at all? it seems most companies lately will do what it takes to make things right as long as you ask the right person. i think the person you talked to was not the right person and you should try again. if not, there's nothing worse than bad press so if...
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    I need everyone's input on a little "ebay crisis"

    does ebay have a customer service dept. at all? it seems most companies lately will do what it takes to make things right as long as you ask the right person. i think the person you talked to was not the right person and you should try again. if not, there's nothing worse than bad press so if...
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    Is MIC fun?

    i am responding kind of late but imo rhythmic step is the most fun tape because it is not very repetitive the moves are kind of dancy and it flows very nicely. it will also challenge you because she does some intricate footwork followed by some power moves so you really have to be on your toes...
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    Survey: what move do you dread?

    i would like to concur with anyone that said power scissors and those lunges in power hour and leaner legs. i am waiting for them to get a little easier??.....
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    Need a Challenging High Impact Floor Aerobic Tape

    hi lynn, the name of the video i couldn't i remember by kaen voight is called power packed workout workout. i looked when i got home. some one else mentions energy sprint and while that is a kick but workout it is mostly step intervals with some floor aerobics at the end along with weight work
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    Need a Challenging High Impact Floor Aerobic Tape

    hi there--- there is a tape out there by karen voight which is all step . i have it at home but can't remember the name of it and of course i am at work but it is definitely high impact with alot of leaps, jumps and directional changes. it also helps if you have a fair amount of floor space. i...
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    Fitprime & "Weights First"

    hi 123--- what is fitprime? is weights first a video series by the firm? that is what i gather from all the posts i read but i was wondereing what the deal was. thanks for your help.
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    balance ball workouts

    LAST EDITED ON Mar-11-02 AT 01:13PM (Est)[p]LAST EDITED ON Mar-11-02 AT 01:10 PM (Est) hi all. does anyone here know of any good balance ball workouts? i ordered karen voight but it was pretty short and kind of disappointing. i am open to suggestions. thanks for your help. i realize this...
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    Just Got Engaged!

    hi linda. congratulations on your engagement. i thinkyou will have plenty of time to reach your goals in time for your wedding day. this is my 2 cents: strenth training. before logging on today i was reading some of my other emails from different sites and one in particular stuck with me as...
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    Just Got Engaged!

    hi linda. congratulations on your engagement. i thinkyou will have plenty of time to reach your goals in time for your wedding day. this is my 2 cents: strenth training. before logging on today i was reading some of my other emails from different sites and one in particular stuck with me as...
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    interval max

    RE: Hi, Jeanne hi jeanne, i was reading all the posts about circuit max and you will like it. i just received it in the mail and after previewing it was a little scared... there's alot of jumping but after doing it last night it is a fun, varied, fast moving video. granted for the first time...
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    VERY newbie question

    have you checked out cathe's ctx express? it has different forms of cardio from step to kickboxing and each tape has a cardio section and a strength section. there is one tape that is devoted entirely to legs. lots of variety that's challenging but doable.
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    what next after wedding tape

    sandy, i am with the rest of them: rhythmic step is very dancy and fun. you will love it.
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    In a PERFECT world.......

    i don't know how i missed this one! in a PERFECT world..... i would not have any type of belly at all... my boyfriend wouldn't care that i like to shoot pool on wednesdays and would encourage me to go .... nor would he tempt me with "bad" food during the week.... i could do all my own home...
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    interval max

    RE: interval max or circuit max? hello annette, i was inquiring about circuit max though i sometimes think one thing and something else comes out!! i am not an interval person and of all the posts i have read about im i think i know why. at any rate, i ordered CIRCIUTMAX and will leave...
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    Leg Workout Advice - Please

    hi there. i have all the tapes you mentioned except for ps legs and abs. body max is more of an endurance work out than strength because you do alot of fast reps as opposed to slow and steady. imo ithink the firm will work you out in a different way than cathe but that will be good for...
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    interval max

    hello all. i just ordered circuit max and was hoping i could get some feedback from all of you. any suggestions on what to expect from this tape? is it anything like the circuit tape in the cross train express series? i read everyones posts every day and have become so much more inspired...