Cathe's Wedding Video and Bodymax ?


Hi guys,

I'm about to purchase my first Cathe video and it's kind of confusing with all of the choices but I've narrowed it down to Rhythmic Step and BodyMax or the Wedding Video.

This is what I'm looking for, a step video that doesn't involve a lot of repetition and is easily modifiable. R-step looks like a lot of fun from the clip I viewed.

Is Bodymax more effective than the Wedding Video or just harder?

I've been exercising consistently for over a year now but I wouldn't consider myself advanced so I don't want to get in over my head on my first try with Cathe.

Thanks for your replies,

R Step is not Cathe's toughtest step video, it would be perfect for you. I do it whenever I just want to move and it leaves me so energized and motivated. It is more creative than some and within two workouts, you will have all the moves down. I have never purchased the Wedding video and never will. The concept strikes me as a little bit cheesy? Powermax may also be good for you right now, to build up strength and endurance. I would leave Bodymax for a bit, since it is quite a bit harder than the other two I mentioned. And it is fast paced. Body max and Interval max take you to the next level, but can overwhelm you if you are not quite at the endurance level needed. They did that to me for a while there.

These are my thoughts. Powermax has never stopped being effective for me. It's my favourite of Cathe's videos for putting sheer "oomph" behind all the moves.

Good luck!

hi rockette, i own all the tapes you just mentioned and i think you would have the most fun with r-step. body max is very challenging and as mentioned in someone elses post it is very helpful to be ready for it. the wedding video is ok, the last part where cathe does all the lunging really gets you going, but the movements are a little repititious for me and some of the arm movements are a little trite, BUT, if you are kind of new to stepping then you might find it enjoyable. besides, it also has muscle conditioning so you get more bang for your buck. good luck!!
Hi Rockette,

I second Clare's vote for Powermax. It is indeed a challenging workout that will continue to challenge, if you are looking for an all step workout. IMO, Powermax is more intense than R-step but R-Step is still so much fun, plus I really dig the music. Decisions decisions! ;-)

I chose BodyMax as my first step video after reading VF reviews in which I learned that you can really make this video into 2 or even 3 seperate workouts. You have a great step session (very intense), then the power circuits, then the upper body. It's quite versatile because it's not all step.

Anyway, have fun with whatever you choose.
Hi! I want to suggest something. If you buy two videos - it is $41.00. If you buy three videos - it is $53.00. But if you buy 4 vidoes, it is only $65.00 and you get a 5th video free! That comes to $13.00 a tape! I personally, would get Power Max (you will love it - it is so fun!) and Body Max if you are only getting two. Body Max can be broken down in so many ways, it's really versitile. Rhythmic Step is quite intricate and might not be the best Cathe video to start with (of course, if you get 5 videos, you could buy RS too and just wait until you're comfortable with Cathe's style and moves. She's a great teacher!) Body Max's step isn't complex and it is modifiable. Step Jam is really fun and is less intense than Power Max. It's the tape she made right before Power Max - I like it a lot. You can really grow with these tapes. I don't have the wedding tape, so I unfortunately can't help you there. But have fun shopping, and let us know what you order and what you think once you get started!

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