Is MIC fun?


I am planning on splitting it into two sections, but I want to know, is it fun? Which section do you like better - Hi/Lo or Step? Thanks!
Hi Jillybean -
My favorite part of MIC is the step portion, but that's just because I love step and hi/lo hurts my poor archless feet. I think the step part is a lot of fun - it is SO intense! It is a good length for a super intense step session, it clocks in at less than an hour including the warmup (sorry I can't be more precise on timing). You forget the time though because you are so busy sweating and working your *** off... in my ever so humble opinion. ;-)
Is MIC fun? If you consider torture fun, then yes! :)

Seriously, I like the step portion better. Haven't done this one in ages though, it's just too hard. I'd rather do my 10-mile run

I do it to replace running during the miserable summer months here in the humid south. I wouldn't say it's the most fun of Cathe's tapes, I really don't like the Hi/Lo part, the step part is more fun, but I do the whole thing because I need the long hard cardio to keep me in shape through the May-September spell. I also use IMax more often during that time. MIC is definitely tough, and the most boring part is at the beginning when you're fresh. As you get more tired, it's less boring, so I can handle it. Hope that helps.
Thanks for the honest responses. I only own two Cathe step tapes right now, Step Jam and Imax. I love the shuffle repeater from Step Jam. I have never even seen her other videos! I can't get the video previews to work on my computer. Which ones have the funnest choreography? I don't mind it being intricate - I just get really motivated by moves that you look forward to doing, you know? I hear Power Max is really fun! What about Step Fit or Step Heat? Thanks! One more, is the choreography of the hi/lo in MIC fun to do? I only own step tapes as of now...
I think Rhythmic Step and StepWorks are the most fun. Step Fit and Imax are slightly less so, but still quite good, in terms of "fun", they are very different in intensity. I think StepHeat is boring, and not too tough, so I only use it on days I need a wimpy workout.
Oh thanks Mogambo! That is very useful information! I will definintely have to order some of her cardio DVDs! Step Works and Rythmic Step sounded the funnest, but I wanted to get the opinion of someone who has done them before. This is so exciting! I feel like a kid in a toy shop with his allowance, you know... all of these possibilities!
The moves in the hi-lo section of MIC are not intricate at all and seem to rely on constant jumping for thier intensity. I do not think you would enjoy this section (obviously I don't!) Step works, Rhythmic Step, Step fit, Powemax--those are listed from most complex choreography to least, in my opinion. They are all very fun, very intense and you will LOVE them!
:) Wendy
Thanks Wendyloo. I just did Step Jam like 5 minutes ago for the first time ever. I got all of the choreography on the first try! But I did watch it twice before ever attempting it. It seemed a little easy. But I only used a 6" step. I did however, like it, and the time flew by! Are the others more intense than this video? Thanks again for the reply! Is the hi/lo of MIC just lots of Plyos? No fun dancy things, like insoles on the floor, triple shuffles, etc...? Just curious.
Hi! I don't have Step Jam, so I can't comment on that.
The hi-lo of MIC, from what I remember (only did it one or two times) is very simple, high impact stuff. Grape vines, side steps, scoops, L-steps and step turns for the low section; medium secdtion you do like a boxer's shuffle type move, lunges to the side (jumping) with very basic arm movements, circle jacks; high section adds leaps to the side, lots more jacks, push-pull jumps, twists, plyo-jacks, airborn jumps, jumping knees upp (singles, doubles), up-over (jumping as you cross your knees over), jumping insoles---I think you get the idea. Ugh, I just don't enjoy this at all! It is EXTREMELY intense, and Cathe seems like she's having a great time, but if you like choreography, you won't like this!
If you have a DVD player, MIC comes on the Rhythmic Step + DVD, with RS and Interval Max. The advantage is that you can skip the hi-lo if you don't like it. I wouldn't call the step choreography too complex either, but having them all on one DVD is great for makingyou own combos! Well worth it.
First of all, I just had to say that I have a cat named "Jilley" (different spelling than your name, I know) and I call her "Jilley Bean" all the time (sorry if you don't like cats).

I must be the only weirdo here who loves the hi/lo section of MIC. It's the only workout I have ever done that actually makes me "high", or gets my endorphins kicking in. I never knew what a "runner's high" was before I tried the first half of MIC. I don't know if that means I'm about to pass out or stop breathing or what, but I really like the intensity. Part of it is the techno music too, I find that it's easier for me to get really hyper with fast-paced techno music going.

The step section is fun too. As far as fun choreography goes, my favorite in that department is Rhythmic Step.

Hope I didn't offend you with the cat comment.

i am responding kind of late but imo rhythmic step is the most fun tape because it is not very repetitive the moves are kind of dancy and it flows very nicely. it will also challenge you because she does some intricate footwork followed by some power moves so you really have to be on your toes to make those transitions. GET THIS TAPE!!!
Hollycat - I love cats! My nickname has been Jillybean forever since my name is Jill B., but my husband calls me Jilley! Too cool. I am very excited to try MIC! I got the DVD with since Rhythmic Step is on that one too, now I can't wait! My cats are named Gray (hey guess what color he is?) and Mr. Bigglesworth (after Austin Powers). Oh behave!
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Mar-13-02 AT 07:00PM (Est)[/font][p]I have heard that Rhythmic Step ranks as the hardest (or 2nd hardest behind Step Works) to learn. Do you by chance own CTX? I have heard people say that they don't like All Step because it was hard to learn. All Step is my favorite CTX workout, and I know I am choreographically chanllenged! But if Rhythmic Step is at all like that one, I am really in for a treat! Thanks for the recommendation!
Hi Jillybean!! Love your name! I love (well sort of) the hi/lo portion. I'm not crazy about the step section and usually skip it. I get a good enough workout just from doing the hi/lo. Kathy
LOL, well, I'm glad you like cats. Once someone told me they had a dog named Holly and I couldn't tell if it was a compliment or not. You never know.

Whether or not you regard MIC as "fun", you will sure get a killer cardio workout!

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