Leg Workout Advice - Please


If I only have LL and the Firm's SL, should I get PS Legs and Abs? Are rotating these two tapes enough variety for leg work? What about MIS or Body Max? Thanks!!!
hi there. i have all the tapes you mentioned except for ps legs and abs. body max is more of an endurance work out than strength because you do alot of fast reps as opposed to slow and steady. imo ithink the firm will work you out in a different way than cathe but that will be good for variety and muscle confusion. i am leaning more towards the body max tape mixed with ll and sl because mis has alot of the same moves as ll,but if floor work is important than ps legs and abs would be good becaus i have read from other posts that that tape has a very good floor section.
Thanks for the prompt and thorough reply. I think I will get Body Max. Hopefully the cardio section isn't too tricky! I have two left feet! But Cathe is so fun, I want to keep trying at it!!!
If you want a really serious leg workout I think you should get PS legs, it's not quite as hard as Leaner Legs, but it's serious work. The cardio on Body Max is very easy to follow.

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