Need a Challenging High Impact Floor Aerobic Tape



Hi all-
I am looking for an advanced high impact floor aerobic tape. Similiar to what Cathe has on the first half of MIC..
I would like it be longer than 30 minutes, and challenging.

I am trying to add floor aerobics back in my cardio mix, but can't seem to find anything that fits the above criteria.

Thanks in advance,
Hi Judy!
Already have it... You are right! It rocks!! . I have all of Cathe's tapes.. Any suggestions on other instructor's tapes?

kari anderson's sweat express

i just bought this tape for about $10 from amazon's marketplace. it's definitely dated (copyright is 1992), but it's an advanced floor workout, with about 35 minutes of aerobics. it's pretty high impact and dancy, and it's all floor aerobics. it might be something to check out. i don't have mic, so i can't compare it to that.

something else that comes to mind is the firm's core cardio 1, but i'm not sure if this has been re-released yet. it has step parts, but it's mostly high-impact floor aerobics, with a ton of plylometric (sp) jumps. i would also categorize it as advanced.
hi there--- there is a tape out there by karen voight which is all step . i have it at home but can't remember the name of it and of course i am at work but it is definitely high impact with alot of leaps, jumps and directional changes. it also helps if you have a fair amount of floor space. i will post tomorrow with the title.
Thanks everybody for your input.

I can't believe all of the positive reviews for the Christi Taylor tapes... I have two of her tapes, and I wasn't as impressed as the other reviewers. Maybe I will try them again..

I will check out the Karen Voight and Firm Stuff.

Take care,
I love Mindy Mylrea. Jump and Jab is a good one. It has boxing, kickboxing, jump rope intervals and football drills. FUN and sweaty. But, keep in mind that it's a Sara City vid. so production quality isn't up to par with Cathe. I love it tho. Also, her Extreme Intervals and Action Packed both have a step section and then a Hi/Lo section. I *really* like Extreme Intervals.

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Mar-13-02 AT 05:57PM (Est)[/font][p]I am also trying to add more hi-lo in my collection. Tried Christi Taylor Happy Hour, but she seems a little complicated (choreo-wise). I have tried it 3X but get frustrated.

I also bought Sweat Express by Kari Anderson (cheap - $5). It is a surprising good workout, and she cues better than Christi Taylor, IMO (in Happy Hour, Christi keeps saying 'watch me first' ... and of course, I can't follow her!). She adds a lot of turns to make it dancier, but you don't have to do it. I got about 80% of the moves the first time... I did not feel like I wasted my time (broke a good sweat).

I am also trying to get Two the Max by K. Anderson and J. Blahnik (sp?). It's set up like MIC (except step comes first with Jay). I heard the second part of hi-lo (Kari's section) is pretty intense, comparable to MIC. Also heard a lot of good reviews about Danceworks lately in Video Fitness forum (General Discussion). You can get a 3-pack K. Anderson at Amazon for $30. Also has a lot Kari's tapes at good prices.

Just wish Cathe make another hi-lo!

hi lynn, the name of the video i couldn't i remember by kaen voight is called power packed workout
workout. i looked when i got home. some one else mentions energy sprint and while that is a kick but workout it is mostly step intervals with some floor aerobics at the end along with weight work
I had to jump in and gently correct you on the info you gave on Two the Max. The tape's only instructor is Kari. Kari and Jay did some other tapes together, but not this one :). And it is 20 min. step, then 20 min. hi/lo.


PS--Are you the one I just bought 4 tapes from (Kathy Smith Kickboxing, Aerobox, Power Step, etc.)? Haslina is an unusual and pretty name.
Hi Lynn! I think the other ladies suggested more of intermediate tapes, at least that's my opinion. I'm also pretty high impact and love floor work. Try Mindy Mylrea. Her website is: She just came out with Interval Express but all of her tapes are very high impact. Have fun! kathy

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